Chapter 1

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The gentle hum of bees and chirps of birds filled the air, harmonizing with the distant laughter of Alex, Bea, June, and Nora. Seated on a wrought-iron bench, Henry lost himself in the echoes of the past twelve months. Though a year had passed, memories of that intense conversation with his grandmother, Queen Mary, still felt fresh. Those conversations, driven by his budding love for Alex, had been a crucible for Henry, a test of his heart and his duty.
The aftermath of those heart-wrenching days had been surprising. Instead of scorn, waves of love and acceptance had washed over him from his country. And Alex's mother secured a triumphant re-election, diving headfirst into implementing Alex's policies. The pride Henry felt for Alex swelled in his chest.
He often found his mind wandering back to those intimate weeks in Texas. Their relationship had deepened, each day revealing new facets of their love, new quirks to cherish. Yet, as they returned and fell back into their roles—supporting presidential duties and attending royal engagements—routine took over. Though they shared disagreements, as any couple would, they always emerged stronger, learning and growing together.
Of course, the year had its share of diplomatic roller-coasters, though, thankfully, none bore Alex or Henry's fingerprints. Still, as Henry reflected, the year had been kind to him.
His thoughts were momentarily diverted to Bea. Engaged to the eldest son of the Duke of Westminster, she radiated happiness. But had she truly found her match?
His reverie was disrupted as Alex sprinted by, chased by a playful June. Watching them, a smile tugged at Henry's lips. Life had been incredibly good lately, and the horizon promised even more joy. Yet, a nagging thought whispered at the back of his mind, 'Should I have really said that?'


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