Picture six ||✔️||

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Yeonjun: 15

Yeonjun felt a sharp pain in his stomach, he woke up in a puddle of blood in his bed. Yeonjun heard his bedroom door close. He freaked out and screamed. He held his stomach and ran downstairs. "Mom, I'm fucking bleeding! Help me please, I'm gonna die!!"

Yeonjun doesn't know what to do. "Mom!" Yeonjun calls out again. He walks into the kitchen to see his mom, holding a knife with blood on it.

He connected the dots and realized that his mom stabbed him while he was sleeping. Yeonjun wanted to scream, but nothing came out. "Don't worry hun, you're gonna be alright..." his mom said in a dark tone. She looked at him.

She walked closer to yeonjun and stabbed him in the gut. He runs out of the house and goes to his neighbor's house, asking them for a phone to borrow since he didn't charge his.

After calling for the police and an ambulance, they both arrived.

Yeonjun contacted one last person. He contacted, Kai. "Hello? This is Huening Kai speaking." It felt good to hear Kai's voice. "Kai, please go to the hospital, I need you here with me"

"What's wrong yeonjun!? Are you okay? Did your mom hurt you?"

"Mhm, please kai, I need you here"

Yeonjun could hear Kai run downstairs to his dad through his phone. He heard the car door open and close as they got in. "I'm not hanging up hun, I'm gonna stay with you until I arrive. Got it?"

"Please hurry" The call ended up getting cut off.

Yeonjun let out a scream. Anyone would be terrified if they heard his loud scream. It sounded painful and his eyes flooded with tears. Everything went black.

When he woke up, he heard yelling. Yeonjun saw Kai's dad and his mom arguing. It seemed that Kai's dad was winning the argument though. (as he should)

Yeonjun covered his ears. Kai saw yeonjun covering his ears, he walked up to yeonjun and placed his headphones on him. Yeonjun looked up at Kai. He heard his favorite song playing softly through the headphones.

Kai started to stroke Yeonjun's fluffy, black hair. Yeonjun began to relax into Kai's touch and listened to the music.

"Everything is gonna be alright hun" Kai whispered while cuddling yeonjun.

Kai signaled yeonjun to take off the headphones, letting him know that no one was yelling now. "Yeonjun?"


"Would you mind telling me what happened?" Yeonjun froze and his throat started to hurt from holding back his tears. "I don't feel comfortable telling you now, sorry..."

"Don't apologize, hun, I understand. I'm not gonna force you to tell me" Yeonjun stared at Kai's lips. "May I kiss you, Kai?"

Kai gave a slight nod. Yeonjun kissed Kai, it was sweet but also passionate. Once they pulled back, Kai opened his mouth to say something but decided it was best to keep his mouth shut.

"I...I love you, Kai"



This is the hair I was picturing in my head while writing

This is the hair I was picturing in my head while writing

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