【Chapter 7】

Start from the beginning

At least I'm not the only one who looks miserable.

"Lads," he greeted, his smile bright despite looking like he just woke up.

"Hermano," Alejandro smiled back at him, Rudy only nodding his way.

"It's the ass crack of dawn but I'm ready to roll," Soap rolled his shoulders back and cracked his neck, hyping himself up. The Vaqueros shared a look, both of them struggling to hide their smiles. His enthusiasm would leave soon enough.

"Good," Alejandro got up from his seat and winced as the muscles strained from sitting for so long.

He decided to ignore the ways a few of his joints cracked and the disapproving look he got from Rudy. He picked the coffee up Rudy had brought, somehow containing the heat of Hell in a single cup, and pretended like it didn't burn his hand as he circled the table.

"See you in 5 hours, hermanos. I'll be on the couch if something happens," he patted Soap's shoulder as he passed him and nodded towards Rudy, a smug grin on his face.

Here was Rudy, thinking he was so smart by dragging Soap here to take his place. But Alejandro already had the perfect plan and nobody could take that away from him.


On her third night there, Beadie tried to go outside.

She waited for all the girls to fall asleep, watching out for Isabel especially. She knew the brown-haired woman had already started to get suspicious of her. Isabel started to follow her around more, trying to keep her in her eyesight which Beadie didn't like one bit.

It made it so much harder to get out and try to find some poisonous plants. On her way here she already saw a few plants that could work, some that nobody would suspect they could be used to kill someone. But she had to act fast because it looked like they would have to give another show for some important men the next day.

Her fury fueled her to act upon her stupidity. She never thought she was so bold but extreme situations called for extreme actions.

Beadie's bare feet touched the cold marble as she made her way down the hall, keeping low and her eyes wide awake. Wherever she heard a noise she went the opposite way, somehow dodging the guards perfectly. She went through this exact route during the day, memorizing each turn and door to perfection, noting when the guards would switch.

She had a good plan. That didn't mean that her heart didn't beat like it would burst from her chest or her palms didn't sweat like crazy. A lot of things could go wrong if she wasn't careful.

Only when her feet touched the grass outside did she notice she left her little radio inside. She cursed herself internally because probably this was her only chance to report back to her team and maybe even go and talk to someone, but she was in a hurry and fucked it up. Just great.

Beadie inhaled deeply, letting the air fill her lungs and holding it there for a few seconds before letting it out. The night air was warm but still a big relief after the scorching hot sun. The night air stretched out above her head, sprinkled with an army of stars. There were some cicadas and crickets creating the melody of the night, a light breeze bringing their music towards the blonde woman.

It was truly beautiful outside. She loved being in nature, she went hiking with her father a lot when she was a teenager. After days of getting locked up in a room and forced to entertain rich and disgusting men, she forgot how much of a blessing was to just go outside freely.

Some Spanish words barked out snapped her out of it, forcing her to move along. Beadie whipped her head around, making sure that nobody could see her as she pressed her body up against the outer walls. She waited for a few seconds, checking if the voices would come from closer.

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