ep 1: the dragon disc And wand found! cure dragon comes to save the universe!

Start from the beginning

"Ok......" Jinx says as he becomes the monster

"Ghostling!" The monster says as everyone runs,

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"Ghostling!" The monster says as everyone runs,

"What is that?" Lily says

"A ghostling. That book just became a monster, i will do this even tho im cat-size now" momo says

"Meowling Catoogle!" Momo says

"Meowling Catoogle!" Momo says

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"Oh. Same lines as my First fight with the ghost king!" Momo says,

"İ can do this!" Momo says,

Momo trys to do the lines. But the ghost book makes her not do the last 3 lines

"Oh no! İ can't do it!" Momo says, looks like all hope is lost until.....

*Cut to the first eyecatch*

*The dragon box opens* "so THİS is the Power of the precure" lily says,

"DO İT LİLY. DO İT." Momo says,

"All right Momo!" Lily says

"Precure mythical dragon disc!" Lily says as she puts the dragon disc in the dragon box,

The dragon box becomes something that lily can hold And she uses the dragon wand

"Precure mythical change!" Lily says

*lily Transfroming here*

"The dragon flying in the universe

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"The dragon flying in the universe. Cure dragon!" Lily. Now cure dragon says as she is now going to fight,

"This looks easy." Cure dragon says,

"That's not easy!" Momo says

"Ok then! That is not easy And i will do it!" Cure dragon says,

Cure dragon starts to fight the ghost. She trys to do the red line And it fails,

"What the??" Cure dragon says,

"Ghostling!" The ghostling says,

"Ok fine i can do this" cure dragon says as she does the catling snapdragon spell,

"Hey! Do catling snapdragon later when you do the lines!" Momo says,

"Ok, Mrs' Grumpy Pants" cure dragon says,

"WHAT" Momo says,

As cure dragon fights the ghostling. She does the red line,

"İ did it! Now i have to do the yellow line And then do the lightning line so i can do the spell!" Cure dragon says,

Cure dragon fights some more until she does the yellow line,

"One more And im going to do the spell!" Cure dragon says

Some more fighting until she does the lightning line,

"Now do the precure catling snapdragon spell!" Momo says,

"Ok! Momo!" Cure dragon says,

"Precure Catling Snapdragon!" Cure dragon says as her spell works,

"Precure Catling Snapdragon!" Cure dragon says as her spell works,

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The book was back to normal,

"My book is back!" A strange red haired people says as they go away,

"That's over, next time! İ will kill cure dragon for good!" The Fox says,

"Jinx! İ miss out!" Momo says to jinx,

"Me too Momo!" Jinx says,

"Jinx, let's go back to the Underworld. Your mother And father are waiting," the Fox says,

"Oh. İ have to go now, bye Momo! İ was getting to evil by that Fox i hate!" Jinx says,

"Bye jinx, i will miss you...." Momo says in sadness, knowing that she befriended him before the first ghost king attack on her academy,

Tokyo, japan, 1:00PM
"WAİT. YOU SECRELY LİKE GHOSTS???" Lily says in shock,

"No. But i did befriended one ghost called jinx, that the time. İ didn't know he was the son of the ghost king, until i got to magic cat academy," momo says,

"Was that why the ghost king attacked your academy?" Lily says,

"No, i think he attack for my spellbook, the codex. That has the past page in it, you know. The one with everything in markers but not the picture of the page And the words precures And the ghost king" Momo says,

"Yeah that's ready, anyway let's eat before we go back to my house And sleep," lily says,

"Ok" Momo says,

*cut to the ending!*

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*cut to the ending!*

Before we go to our 3D dance ending, we get a preview of ep 2 And the plot by captain sugar,

"Next time on mythical warriors precure. We will know the strange fox's name! And cure wolf will be in this ep! And they will find me next! Will cure dragon And cure wolf save the day? Find out next time!"

*Cut to the 3D Dance ending*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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