"What's going on?" Ian's voice resounds as he approaches.

"Dada!" Mason hops off the piano bench and rushes to his father, who promptly scoops him up.

"Hey, buddy! How was your day with Tamy and Nana?" Ian inquires, having hurried through a meeting to join the family dinner at their home. He's taken aback to find Lea, his mother, and Mason gathered by the piano; they usually play in the garden during their visits.

"Tamy sang for Mason and Nana! Tamy pway piano for Mason," the boy responds to his father's query.

Mariana's hand lands on Lea's shoulder as she says, "Hijo, Lea agreed to sing at our wedding anniversary."

Ian grins and glances at Lea. "That's great, so you can finally put what Ma taught you to use."

Mariana's lights up. "Wait, I've got an idea! How about Lea sings while you play the piano?" she suggests, prompting an exchanged glance between the couple.

Lea protests. "Oh, come on, Mama Yans! That's not a good idea."

Ian scoffs at her and walks to the piano bench to push her a bit so he could sit beside her, with Mason still on his lap. "Seriously, labeling it 'not good' right away? Just because you're better at piano than me. I can play too!" Ian boasts and plays with the keys to sound a few notes from do re mi. He turns to his mother and winks. "Sure, Ma. I'll play, and Lea can sing," he says, earning an eye-roll from Lea.

"Mason can sing too!" The young boy blurts out, causing them all to erupt in laughter.


Rushing down the stairs, ten-year-old Lea inadvertently slams her bedroom door and dashes towards the front door, her backpack in tow. Tardiness is something she despises. However, just as she's about to make her escape, a voice calls out to her.

"Op op op! Where do you think you're going?"

Lea furrows her brows in annoyance and turns her gaze back to her eighteen-year-old sister, Lorna, seated on one of the couches, holding a telephone away from her face. She's pretty certain Lorna is deeply engrossed in a conversation with her friends once again.

She lets out a sigh. "I'm going to Ian's house, Ate."

"Why?" her sister inquires hastily.

"Mama Yans asked me to come. We have piano lessons today," Lea replies.

Lorna raises an eyebrow skeptically. "Are you absolutely sure it's Tita Mariana? Baka naman maglalaro lang kayo ni Ian. And have you finished your homework?"

Lea lets out a frustrated grunt. "Ate! It's a Saturday, and yes, I'm done with my homework. I finished it earlier."

"Just checking because if you're not done with your schoolwork, Mommy and Daddy will scold me," Lorna retorts. She's not fond of being supervised by her sister. Most often than not, she tends to be more uptight than their parents but whenever they are away, even if they have a nanny, Ate Lorna always ends up being in-charge, which is a pain on Lea's butt.

"I'm sure, Ate! Please, I'm running late!" Lea pleads, glancing at the clock.

"Fine! But you need to be back before dinner. I don't want to eat alone, and Daddy will call us."

"Yes, I remember, Ate. Can I please go now?"

"Alright, but take the driver with you."

"Ate!" Lea whines. "Ian's house is just down the street! I can easily bike there!"

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