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Element: Fire

Dates: March 21 - April 19 (there are many other sites that say otherwise, but I'm just using one trusty website)

Ruling Planet: Mars

House: 1st

Quality: Cardinal

Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 7, 10, 15, and 25

Colours: Yellow, additional colours are white and grey

Lucky Day: Tuesday

Flowers/Herbs: Honeysuckle and Thistle

Birth Stone: Diamond

Body Associations: Head and neck (Because rams are headstrong, get it? Ok I'll stop)

Motivations: Survival and Independence

Energy: Yang (Masculine)

Key Phrase: "I am"

Positive Traits: Determined, courageous, independent

Negative Traits: Selfish, impulsive, arrogant

Compatibility: Sagittarius, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Celebrities with your star sign: Lady Gaga, Maya Angelou, Robert D.J, Leonardo Da Vinci, Van Gogh

Your sign...

Female: Aries women are full of energy. True warriors, like the Amazons. The influence of Mars, their planet, and fire, their element, has something to do with it. They are remarkable women who can succeed in any endeavor. They may not always meet their goals, but they will surely give it their best effort. The Aries woman has a thirst for action. She naturally shines through her skills and daring, a source of awe for her colleagues and loved ones. Just like Aries men, Aries women go straight to the point when they speak. In a professional environment, they tend to take on individual tasks with glee. It is not unusual for them to meet some goals that many would find impossible. For her, competition is just more motivation to succeed. Doubt and hesitation are foreign concepts. She believes she will be successful from the beginning, even if the energy does not hold up over the long run. She loves adventure, exploring new horizons to satisfy her willingness to give anything a go, and enjoying adrenalin-intensive activities. By striving to be active, their health can often suffer from overdoing. Aries women are nonetheless very optimistic and rarely feel moody or low. In many societies, an Aries woman can come on too strong and must overcome typical feminine stereotypes, which she is happy to prove wrong.

Male: Aries men are gifted with the kind of charisma that makes everybody love them. They are natural-born role models; and when they have a goal in mind, it would be best not to stand in their way. They are maverick and aggressive; and unlike some other horoscope signs, they are not afraid of a little competition. They do not see competition as a threat but as a source of inspiration. People find them passionate and open-minded. Aries men love an adventure and trying something, or someone, new. They are full of gusto and have a generous nature. Their willingness to dive in and non-judgmental attitude are among their best merits. They will be unafraid of failure, which often leads to their many successes and failures. Aries men are brave and courageous. Keep in mind that they want to be the hero, the righter of wrongs, someone fighting crime or injustice with a valiant heart. Aries men (like all Aries people) love to take risks that other people would find reckless, always in the heart of the action, always finding something to do to feed their fiery energy. Resting is the most tiresome activity for them.

As a child: Aries children prefer to figure things out for themselves. They need plenty of autonomy and only need rules when they run up against a boundary. Any time they transgress or need correcting, it should be done swiftly and with little fanfare. Get to the point and move on. The Aries child will certainly move on, and they will also bounce back from a reprimand or punishment if it is justified and fair. The best rule of thumb is to let them try and fail until they figure it out or they ask for help. If the parent intervenes before the child is ready for help, it will not go well for anyone. They can be successful with more freedom than most, so long as the limits and rules are clear. They will not lie and do not want to be lied to; deal with them honestly and the parenting experience will be positive.

As a parent: The Aries parent prefers to be hands-off and would rather engage only when necessary. If the situation calls for dealing with a crisis, the Aries parent will jump right and look for the swiftest and fairest solution. Punishments should not be elaborate and the freedom they give had better be respected. When they engage, they will be fully present, but they are as far from the helicopter parent as one can possibly be.

In friendship: Aries people are straightforward in friendship. They love to say what they mean without beating around the bush. They get along best with fire and air signs because their energy matches or compliments those signs. Water and earth signs can find it difficult to deal with Aries impulsiveness and individualism, except for Scorpio, whose traditional planetary ruler is Mars, which also rules Aries. Friendships come rather easily, and they can go rather easily too. It is not unfair to say that once you or the Aries leave the room, whatever is next and present will be the focus of the Aries individual. They are wonderfully loyal, and will drop anything to get to a friend in need. If you want something done immediately, ask an Aries friend to do it.

At work: Aries loves to flirt and fall in love. They are great out of the gate but need regular stimulation to stay interested and committed. It is not to say they cannot have long-term relationships, but one-night stands are not a problem. What makes them so much fun is their passion and their presence. They can come on strong and really mean it in the moment. But if the fire goes out, they will look for another spark.

In love: An Aries individual wants to be doing this when they are working. They hate inaction and boredom is their worst enemy. They always want to engage: help their co-workers and customers, create, or find solutions. They are self-motivated and task-oriented, so they work best with deadlines and time does the work at their own pace, which is usually fast. This drive to be autonomous can put Aries in a difficult position when they must operate under someone else's management. Therefore, they do best when they can be entrepreneurs, contract workers, or mostly independent employees. While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Aries jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially, any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Aries prefers to be independent, maverick, and complete tasks at his or her own pace when it comes to work and career.

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