🐻. . . The gore. . .🩸

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**CC's crying suddenly stopped

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**CC's crying suddenly stopped.. it was now dead silent... Fredbear's jaw closed on the Crying Child's head, blood was everywhere.. Running down CC's dead body and out of Fredbear's mouth and onto the stage.. CC's eyes were almost fully out of his head.. He was probably missing half his head.****CC's blood was everywhere, including on the 4 tormentors..CC's lifeless body hanging from Fredbear's mouth..**

Mike: "cc..?"

Jackson: "W-What the fuck. . ."

**CC's body then fell from his head. CC's head was still in the mouth of Fredbear but his body fell onto the stage.**

**Screams and cries of kids were heard. . . Mike and his friends freaking out..**

Mike: "o-oh god.. i-im so sorry.."

Simon: "t-this is ur fault Mike. . . THIS WAS UR IDEA..!"

mike: "i-i didn't mean for this to happen.. i-it was supposed to be a harmless prank.."

**CC's eyes then fell out of Fredbear's mouth as well..**

**CC's head then somehow fell out.. half his head was missing.. by now you could see the kids brain.. He has no eyes due to them falling out earlier... There were guts from his head all over the place so much blood..**

**CCs mouth was open.. More blood is coming out of it.. Rather like he was vomiting his own blood.. CC's head then rolled a bit then touched Michael's shoes... There is even more blood on Mike now... All the rest of the children were crying and screaming... One lady called an ambulance (like that will help any, the kids dead suck it up lady.)**

**There was still blood everywhere. The ambulance arrived.. And got most people out of the pizzeria.. Cops also showed up to question the 4 tormentors.**

To be continued ?
(meaning I may possibly write the cops questioning them if you want that and like maybe some "days after the bite")

To be continued ? (meaning I may possibly write the cops questioning them if you want that and like maybe some "days after the bite")

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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