Amora's POV

"Charlie's gonna faint the second he sees you," I chuckle lightly, as I enter the room.

Ayla chuckles lightly nervously, putting a strand of hair behind her ear, "I hope he doesn't faint.. This wedding was very costly,"

I shook my head, placing my hand on Ayla's hair that was a bit untidy, "I'm pretty sure, everyone would be glad to see Charlie faint. Especially the guys... Are you alright?"

Her eyes welds up with unshed tears and lets out a breathe, "I've always imagined being walked down the aisle with my d- dad... It's just- hard."

I look at her sadly but rub her back, as she takes a moment to gather herself. Her father died when she was about 4 years old. Her mother became an addict after that. It only became worse when they discovered she was a witch. Her mum struggled to accept that. And you can only guess how it went from there. After me and my family met her, she practically had an attachment with Mum and Dad. She found a maternal and paternal model within them. Something that she longed for, since she was four.

She doesn't have much female friends at the reserve. Mostly because others thought she was beneath them, since she's a muggleborn. Others thought, she's just sleeping with Charlie to be the head healer at the reserve. She only has me, Ginny, Iliana, Angelina, Luna, Fleur and Dora. Dora was supposed to be with us as one of the bridesmaid too, but she got severely injured when they were rescuing a halfblood witch's family from deatheaters, just last week. And she was ordered to stay on bed for about two weeks or so. Fleur was also supposed to be a bridesmaid but she had to go to her Uncle's funeral back at France which sadly just had to happen on the same day as the wedding.

"He'll be beside you. He'll be proud of you, always will be. He loved you very much, Ayla, remember that." I comforted her with some words.

"And I'll make sure he's little girl will not slip when she walks down the aisle." Dad enters the room with a small comforting smile.

Ayla breathes in deeply, blinking her tears away, "You guys are really making me cry.... Thank you so much Arthur. Mora."

I stepped a foot away from her, and brought the bouquet from the couch and towards her, "Ready to get married to my dofus of a brother now?"

They both chuckle, and Ayla nods her head. I lead them outside the room, where the groomsmen were already in line, with some of them partnered up with the bridesmaid.

Charlie already went down the aisle with Mum, about 2 minutes ago. The Church was already filled with guests, friends, and family. Charlie and Ayla had about 200 guests in total. With 200 guests, it would be considered small wedding. As most Wizarding Weddings have about 400-1000 guests in a wedding.

Then its the bridesmaids and the groomsmen.

I locked my arm with Viktor's. We shared a smile before walking down the aisle.

The Reception

"The food is practically begging us to eat them," Ron whines as we just passed by the table of food. That was all made by Mum. Of course.

We sat down on the table that had the label with our names.

I held my hand out to both Fred and George who each took out 10 galleons and gave them to me while grumbling. The three of us betted on Charlie crying. I bet that Charlie would cry the second he sees Ayla when the door opens. Fred bet that Charlie would cry when Ayla was already in front of him. George bet that Charlie would able to hold his tears through out the wedding until they kiss. And I won. 20 galleons. Easy snatch.

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