Chapter 1: Mr. and Mrs. Fujimura

Start from the beginning

"Look! She is wearing a Shoki talisman. The Gods must have heard out prayers Otto!" Mrs. Fujimura said. 

"Lets bring her home to make sure she is okay first, Mayumi." Mr. Fujimura says as he picks up little Akemi. 

"She looks no more then 6 years old, otto." Mrs. Fujimura says, with such worry as she carries her basket and Mr. Fujimura's basket. 

They get to their home and bring little Akemi in. Mrs. Fujimura changes Akemi into suitable clothing to sleep in and cleans her wound on the face and a few scratches on the arms and legs. Then Akemi is laid on a futon with a warm rag over her head and a blanket on top of her cold to the touch body. 

"The poor child, I wonder how she ended up on the beach." Mrs. Fujimura says. 

"I shall talk to the others who were at the beach." Mr. Fujimura says. 

Mr. Fujimura and his wife were pretty well respected in the village. Although they were not rich, they were well known for being wise, patient, and his well known knowledge of masters for the martial art skills and defense. 

He gets up and tells Mrs. Fujimura to stay with the girl until he gets any news. 

Mr. Fujimura meets the others in the townhouse and discuss about trade and commerce. He then brings everyone's attention to him.

"Did anybody notice anything this morning at the beach?" He says. Many murmurs were said throughout the room. 

My wife and I have found a little girl unconscious on the beach and brought her in to our home to rest for now." He says. Many were curious to who the little girl was. Many didn't know what to do or say. 

"Tell you what Mr. Fujimura, if she wakes up and can tell us who she is, we can try and help her get back home as best as possible, but if not then she shall stay with you until further notice." Mr. Yoshinaga says. He is Mr. Fujimura's best friend and advisor to most of the town. He kind of took on the leader role in the town and is loved by all. 

"That seems reasonable." Mr. Fujimura says with a long thought on his face. Just then, Mrs. Fujimura comes in running.

"She's awake!" She exclaimed. Mr. Fujimura runs back with her as well as a few others who were curious to see who this beautiful little girl was. 

As they all got to the Fujimura's house, they all filed outside the room where little Akemi was. Some looked through the windows and some peaked through the open sliding door. Some were in such awe of little Akemi's beauty. She had dark blue black hair that could look like dark bluebell flowers on a rainy morning, skin smooth and bright, little flushed cheeks and nose with warm blush lips, and her eyes were the most mesmerizing of all, her eyes were the color of blue navy with an soft icy blue shine surrounding the rim of the iris to just make out a bare fade in each eye. The people could not believe what beauty they were seeing. 

Just then Mrs. Fujimura and Mr. Fujimura walks into the room. Little Akemi looked confused and lost, she seemed as if she didn't know whether to cry or feel scared. Mrs. Fujimura kneels down in front of the just awoken girl and looks at her with such loved content. 

"I'm Muyami, what is your name?" She says. No reply. Akemi didn't remember her name, nor remember who she was. 

"Do you know who you are? Where did you come from sweetie?" She asks. Still no reply. 

Little Akemi felt scared, she sensed eyes in the back of her head. She looks around to see many people staring at her, she felt overwhelmed and for some reason, this women, who was kneeling in front of her gave such a loving and comforting aura. Something she recognized before but her foggy mind couldn't quite put. All she felt was crying into the woman's arms. And that was exactly what she did. 

"Oh, my poor child." Mrs. Fujimura says, as she holds crying Akemi in her arms as tight as she could with the utmost love and protection that she could give. 

"Alright everybody, let's give the girl her space and privacy." Mr. Yoshinaga says persuading people to leave with a arm swooping motion, gesturing them to walk themselves out. 

"I don't think she remembers anything from what happened to her." Mr. Fujimura says. Kneeling in front of Mrs. Fujimura. Akemi stopped crying for a little to take a breather. Crying as a little kid tires you out. She gets up and looked at Mr. Fujimura. She starts walking towards him and puts her hands on the sides of his face to look at him. She couldn't quite say, but they both reminded her of somebody and the comfort and feelings were a little to close to comfort for her. Akemi was quite a smart kid for her age, even if she doesn't show it. All she knew was that she felt a wave of tiredness after crying for 5 minutes. 

"Papa.." Akemi says to Mr. Fujimura. He was surprised of course, but all of a sudden his immediate reaction was to hug her. Akemi guessed that it made him happy and was so tired and comforted that she didn't mind and fell asleep on him. Mr. Fujimura is usually quite composed but he has longed for a while now for him to hear those words.

"The poor child must have gone through so much." Mrs. Fujimura says as she fixes the futon and futon covers. 

"I don't know why I just suddenly hugged her," Mr. Fujimura says, still holding Akemi. "I guess, hearing someone call me papa, overwhelmed me too."

"Shall we keep her?" Mrs. Fujimura says, as she takes the talisman off Akemi's neck, with a break in pitch and voice. 

"I guess we shall." Mr. Fujimura says with a happy and thankful smile. They both hug each other as they have found the thing they have wished for, a child to care and love for the rest of their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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