Chapter 1: I hate you

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Suddenly, a sharp pebble was thrown at me. I turned around to see who threw it, guess who I saw. It was my old rival, Shaballa. Why am I not surprised? "Oh, are we throwing rocks at each other now? Is that what we're going to be using as weapons?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. Shaballa chuckled at my question. 

"Oh, how mature! I wonder where you dug that one from." I let out an annoyed sigh. "You're just so easy to mess with. You know that, right? I don't have to do much to get under your skin." He let out an obnoxious snicker as his head rests on some wooden crate. (I don't know why there's a bunch of wooden crates near the border. I don't know where they came from, they just appeared overnight I guess.) 

Just ignore him, Liana. That dickhead will eventually get bored and leave you alone if you don't pay attention to him. I thought to myself. One important thing I have learned throughout my entire life is to never feed a troll attention. That's how they bring your IQ down to their level. However, it is near impossible when they say something they know is going to get deep underneath the skin. That's why I easily fall into one of their many traps, like a fly trapped in a spider web. 

I turned my back on Shaballa to continue on with my day. "You know, Liana, you should probably quit this job since this is no place for a puppy like you." He said. I stopped in my tracks as soon as he said that. Now he's really pushing it. "What did you say...?" I said in a serious tone. What the hell are you doing, Liana? Didn't you say you were going to ignore him? He's obviously just trying to get you angry! I mentally scolded myself.       

"I'm just saying that the military isn't made for a weakling such as yourself. I heavily suggest you start working in a place like, I dunno, Chuck E Cheese's or something." Shaballa responded. I whipped around and looked at him in offense. "Chuck E Cheese's?! Seriously?!" What type of suggestion is that!? That place is a fucking drag! Who in hell would want to work in some Freddy Fazbear's ripoff of a place? (Or perhaps Freddy Fazbear's is based on Chuck E cheese's. IDFK) 

"What? It's less likely that you'll be squashed like a pancake there." Shaballa chortled. I squinted my eyes at him, I can't tell if he's mocking me or just trying to help me find a less violent job. Either way, it's condescending! I can look out for myself. "Look, I don't need you looking out for me. I can handle myself, you know." I huffed as I crossed my arms. 

"Oh really? The way you handled your general shouting at you when he found out you let the intruders roam carefree in your base seems to say otherwise. You look like you were about to piss your pants!" Shaballa started laughing hysterically. "You should've seen your face! Hahahaha!!" He went on. I started growling. If I could shoot him in the face, I would NOT hesitate to do so. 

However, it would be counted against me if I did that. Unfortunately, Shaballa didn't do anything to threaten this base, so killing him right now would be considered illegal. All he's doing is causing annoyance, that's it. But still, I hated his guts so much! My patience with Shaballa is running super thin today and it makes me want to punch him multiple times in the face. 

"You better watch your back, Shaballa, because this will be the last thing you'll see!" I said as I pointed to my face. "Yeah, when I put you 6 feet underground! Maybe even deeper than that. (AYO)" Shaballa started laughing even harder than before. I snarled ferociously as I stomped away. That grey wolf knows how to mess with people, I'll give him that. 

"Hey, don't listen to him." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Aaron. Aaron is known to be one of the smartest people on our team. That's why he's selected as an advisor. Speaking of which, why is he on the battlefield? Shouldn't he be advising the general? "You know how Shaballa is. He's likes to be an asshole to everyone." He said. "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I replied.

"No need to be sassy with me. I'm just trying to defend you." Aaron said. "By pointing out the obvious? You're such a big help." I sarcastically "complimented" him. Aaron rolled his eyes and turned his back on me as he crosses his arms. "Well, you're welcome. I'm sure nobody wants to hear it from the advisor, right?" He said in a dramatic tone. I could still hear the offense in his voice, though. 

"Alright, fine. Thank you for standing up for me." I was still being sarcastic, but he went along with it. "You're very welcome! See? Was it so hard to say thank you?" Aaron scolded me. "Oh, don't start with that. You're not my dad." I responded with a slightly irritated voice. "What are you doing just standing there then? Get your ass back to duty, woman!" Aaron was now being serious with me. 

I then walked back to my station I was supposed to be going. I was just a bit side tracked. "I got here just 23 minutes ago and this is how my day is starting. But hey, it's Monday. What else did I expect?" I grumbled underneath my breath. Mondays always start off bad. Oh well, it's nothing I could do to change it. 

This is how things are from where I work... 

~To be continued~




~Dreamboat~ (Liana x Shaballa) [Discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt