My Boy Wilian

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Will was several feet above Thomas and Josh's heads, he too was in a hypnotic trance. "You see Mr Thomas, now there's nothing you can do but give yourself to me! Your little romance was just a mere inconvenience, and now it's time for you to become one of my allies, while Will goes back to the city of Hawkins and help Vecna ​​destroy them all, and then finally perish!"

Thomas: "NOOOOO! Will, please come back to me, Will, I love you, you are the love of my life!" (He spoke as tears flowed from his eyes)

Darkness: "You don't understand, don't you, Sir Thomas? You mean nothing to him! The Will that was with you isn't even the real Will Byers!"

Thomas: "What?"

Darkness: "That was just a project of his mind. Over time he became the real Will. The feelings of the real Will began to appear in him. That's Will, he holds a grudge against all of Hawkins! He will take revenge on everyone and kill everyone he has ever loved. Because Will Byers is an instrument of darkness!"

Thomas: "No! That's not true!"

Darkness: "Did you really think someone like Will Byers would be interested in you? The only one he ever loved was Mike. You tried to meddle in something you weren't called, because you are what you always were, a pathetic!"

Desperate Thomas shouted: "Tyler, Monica help me!"

Darkness: "You make me laugh! Your past will never come back, you never learn! You've walked all this time to find that once again you'll never get where you want to be!"

Thomas hughes Josh desperately, suddenly the touch, the feeling of hugging his former high school classmate, brought him lost memories. How can he forget? All this time he'd been scared, feeling scared, overwhelmed, and alone, how could he not not remember the feeling of touching Josh, of feeling comfort in him? It was the things that went through his head.

Will's skin began to turn red. "See Sir Thomas, the Vecna ​​is already manifesting itself in Will, you already lost!" Said the darkness. Tom looked up with teary eyes to see the sad end of his beloved, but again he closed his eyes. Memories of his freshman year of high school flashed through Josh's mind.

Darkness: "Darkness wins!"

Josh: "That's enough!" (He shot a blue beam towards Will)

Blue light glowed around Will. Josh hugged Tom, and Tom lay down on the floor towards Will.

Darkness: "What did you do?" (Josh stared into the darkness) "You are my ally!"

Josh: "No! I am love's ally!"

Slowly Will made his way down to Tom.

Will entered Thomas's mind when he was lying down. The boy Byers traveled back in time and got to know Tom's sad past... From what happened to him in 2015 until now! Will's mind took a trip, he was moved and thrilled that during this trip he forgot how he met Thomas, forgot Mike, forgot even his own story! He arrived in 2017, on that February afternoon. He found Tom sitting on the sidewalk thinking about the boy he loved back then and his mind at ease..Will approached the teenager, Tom couldn't see him, hear him, or feel him! Will took his hand and started talking: "Tom, you still don't know me, but I know you, and I know you better than anyone else!" Even being there, Will Byers' consciousness traveled to the future and that way his mind had several flashes of information about the future of that Thomas he was seeing so far. It was as if he had multiplied himself into different actions of time and space with respect to Tom. Will: "I couldn't be more honored to have known your story! You've taught me so many things, I never thought this would happen to me! I can see and feel how happy you are, and that feels good, really good! Because that is its true essence! Don't lose that essence my boy Wilian, I know it's going to be hard, I'm seeing it now! But you know, you feel, fragments of your fractals in time are always connected with moments like this. During all that time you felt alone I was with you! I hugged you, I cried, thank you for everything Thomas! If you could see and hear me I'd say: you're lucky boy Byers, when it was my turn I didn't have anyone to inspire me and give me strength like that (laughs) And you're right, you're absolutely right because I saw it, I'm a witness! But that's how you wrote the story of your life, and it's the most beautiful story I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing it with me! I know, you will miss this year in the future, your friends will abandon you, after this many challenges, pain, sadness are ahead, but you are strong, I know that better than anyone! Never give up on being happy, this whole nightmare will pass, and you will be very happy, and you will be grateful for everything again! That contagious and beautiful happiness you will recover, and I will be by your side, my boy Wilian!"

Thomas opened his eyes and stood up. Will, began to feel weak and fell into Tom's arms.

Darkness: "ARGH, ARGH! What's going on? NO, NOOO!"

The darkness began to melt away, the sunlight began to break out, and the creatures of darkness began to melt away. That was the end of the darkness!

Thomas: "Will? Will?"

Will: "Thomas, it's my time, I'm going back to Hawkins, I don't think I'll remember anything I lived here!"

Thomas: "No, but you and I have a life to live together! I need you! You are my life, you are my passion, you are my Universe, please don't leave me!"

Will: "Alright, alright! Our love story will never end, I'm your boy Byers, and you're my boy Wilian, and it will always be like this!"

Thomas: "You will always be loved! Byers will be loved! (Both Will and Thomas cried a lot!) "But more important than that, you are my love!"

Will: "Josh! Take care of him for me!"

Will and Thomas shared their last kiss, and Will disappeared!"

                       One hour later

Thomas: "Why did he ask you to take care of me? Aren't you going back to your wife?"

Josh: "I've been thinking, what if we give it another try! Now there's nothing to get in our way!"

Thomas: "Josh I..."

Josh: "I know that Will will always be your true love, and I know that you will always love him, maybe even more than me! But I know that you and I, we... well, I leave everything. Wife and my relatives could be dead! Either way, let's run away, live a story like we tried in high school! We only have each other!"

Thomas: "I changed your life didn't I?"

Josh: "Yes, and quite a lot!"

Thomas took Josh's hand, the sunset light illuminated them, and the two followed their destiny in a new city!

                         The next day

In the city of Collia, in the apartment where she lives with her boyfriend Josh, Thomas watched his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He remembered when he made love to Will for the first time, it was the most pleasurable thing he had ever done! Thomas came to his senses. The teen noticed that his skin was paler. He remembered the day he threw up. Ever since the day he made love to Will he has felt weak, as if his body lacked energy. The boy covered his nose and mouth when he felt something come out of those regions. As soon as he looked at his hands he was startled by what he saw, it was blood! Thomas looked in the mirror and saw that his nose was dripping with blood. He started panting and let out a scream...!

                          The End!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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