Part 51...You would be here

Start from the beginning

“I love you too” I whispered into his chest then moved up to face him and touched my lips with his gently. He responded quickly with a feel of hunger. His teeth biting down on my lip asking for entrance. I just giggled then pulled away and ran out of the room. He made a loud groan then followed after me.

Before I knew it I was jumping off the last step and joining Brook and Sam in the film room. They were watching some lovey duvey film which I didn’t really pay attention too. Ash walked into the room and I ran to Sam and sat next to him.

“This person is called an OLDER brother Ash!” I pointed out while Sam looked slightly creeped out. Ash knew that he couldn’t do anything in front of Sam as he would go ballistic. I just smiled smugly and watched the film with Ash sat next to me. Half way through the film I lay my head on Ash’s chest, next thing I remember being carried upstairs half asleep.

The sound of rain hitting the window woke me from my peaceful sleep. I sat up straight and looked around my room, scared that something would be sat in the corner. Fortunately there wasn’t, I turned my head to see Ash sprawled next to me with his around my waist. I checked my clock, 4:30am.

Ash began to stir next to me and I ran a hand through his hair. His eyes flicked open and he jumped up.

“What’s wrong Rhi?” He asked looking round the room for a killer. I laughed and grabbed his arm then pulled him back to the bed.

“Nothing’s wrong, go back to sleep…I have to dance today. You’re coming watching me, right?” I asked Ash who was now lying down next to me and pulling me down with him. I completely forgot that I had to dance in front of the school today. Ash yawned next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

“Course I am” He spoke, his voice thick with sleep. I smiled and turned into his chest burying my face in his shoulder. I kissed his shoulder gently and he sighed, content before his eyes closed. As much as I would have loved to go to sleep then, but I didn’t, I tried keeping the thoughts that were running through my head, out.

I pulled away from Ash gently, tied my hair in a bun then pulled on my sweatpants and a strappy top. The hallway was dark as I ran down the stairs and turned off the alarm. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and walked to the dance studio outside.

Technically it was a shed but my parents made it into a dance studio for me when I was thirteen. It was dark and rain hit my head as I opened the back door and headed for the dance studio.

The lights flicked on as I entered and the automatic music player turned on. I looked around at the room which I hadn’t been in for months. The wooden floor was still clean and polished, the curtains pulled across the huge mirror and the various dance shoes untouched.

I touched the floor carefully then sat on it looking at the curtains deciding whether I should do this. The water bottle lay untouched so I took a sip then walked over to the music player. I flicked on ‘Moment 4 life’ by Nicki Minaj and started to warm up. Warming every single bone in my body and waking myself up I walked over to the curtain and pulled it back.

There she stood, me. The girl that had changed in the course of a few weeks. The girl that now had a boyfriend and was happier in life.  I hadn’t looked at myself dressed in my dance clothes for weeks. I didn’t want to after what happened outside the dance studio a month ago. Ash now didn’t like me dancing that much because he thought that I over did it sometimes, I kind of agreed with him.

I stopped warming up and looked at myself in the mirror. So much had happened in the last month. The music flicked to ‘Till the world ends’ by Britney Spears and I started swaying my body and getting into the rhythm. Before I knew it I was jumping in the air and landing gracefully. My body moving in time with the rhythm, gracefully swinging my legs in the air. I stopped for a minute breathing heavily and looked at myself. I should look different after Las Vegas but I don’t. I don’t see a difference in myself, I don’t feel different.

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