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"Ahh, that was yummy. Did you like it?" Luffy lacing his fingers together behind his head, looking my way.

"It was great. I see why you go there a lot." I give Luffy a smile.

"You have a really pretty smile." Luffy lets his arms fall to his side, stopping to look at me, because I stopped at his comment.

"Why do you keep saying those off hand compliments?" I ask, he keeps saying things like that, I'm not sure how to react. I don't get compliments often.

"Because they are true." Luffy blinks and he looks confused. "Has no one ever told you that?"

"Actually, no not really." I sigh looking down at the pavement. Luffy's feet come into view and I look up.

"I thought you were dating someone. I asked Tora-o and he said you weren't. But I was too nervous to ask you to go out, I mean you're so beautiful. I honestly didn't think that I would ever have a chance with you. Well after Tora-o asked me if I was single, I was hoping it was you who was wondering, because you looked embarrassed. So I finally asked you for your number." Luffy gave me a small smile.

"Oh." I smiled. "I thought you were dating someone and Law just called you over. I think he may have known, well I guess he set us up."

"I'm glad that he did." Luffy placed a hand on my hip pulling me closer, his other hand tilted my face up to him. He then presses his lips to mine. His kiss was gentle but as we kissed it became more passionate.

"OI! LUFFY! WHAT-" The loud voice pauses for a second, me and Luffy breaking apart, Luffy's hand still on your hip. " ARE YOU KISSING A GIRL?" I look around and see a group of men led by a man with messy black hair, freckled face, white tank top, black cargo style shorts and combat boots. His face is pure shock while the men behind him laugh.

"What are you doing here?" Luffy steps aside wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Luffy, were you just kissing her?" The man that yelled asked, pointing at me with a shocked look on his face.

"Ace, you can't just ask him that with her with him." The one with wavy blonde hair smacks Ace on the back of the head. "Sorry about him, he has no filter. I'm Sabo by the way." Sabo holds his hand out for you to shake.

"(Y/n)." I take Sabo's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"That's Marco, Izo, and Thatch." Luffy gestured to each, they waved when their name was said. "This is (y/n), my girlfriend." I look at him in shock.

"Luffy we have only been, we just started actually talking to each other." I say in a small voice, a bit embarrassed.

"Right." Luffy looks at me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He smiles.

"Are you going home?" Thatch asked, before I could answer Luffy.

"Yes." Luffy answers.

"Do you want to join us for a drink or snack?" Thatch asked.

"We just ate." Luffy beams. "Have fun though." And with that Luffy guides you past his brother's.

"I can't believe Luffy has a girlfriend. A hot one too." I hear Ace say as we walk away.

"She is quite pretty." I heard one of them say back, it sounded like Sabo.

"Your brothers seem nice." I say as we walk, Luffy's arm is still around your waist.

"They are great." Luffy smiles. "What way is your place? I'll walk you there."

The two of us walk to your home. As we walk we talk more about random things.

"Thank you for taking me to that pub, I had fun." I smile at Luffy while standing in front of my home's door.

"You're welcome, I had fun." Luffy steps closer, placing his hands on my hips. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Luffy, I really like you but don't you think it's a bit early for that?"

"I don't know, I have never dated anyone." Luffy shrugs.

"How about one more date and then we can talk about it." I say gently placing my hands on his chest.

"Deal." With that Luffy kisses you. I can get used to his kisses, they are sweet yet sensual. I don't want it to end.

"(Y/n), what are you doing-" The front door swings open, making me and Luffy break apart. Looking around there is a shocked Rosinante.

"Corazon, hello." I say happily. "This is Luffy."

"Yo." Luffy gives Rosinante a wave.

"HI, (y/n) I was worried, Law said you would be home before dinner." Rosinante looked at me.

"Did you not get my text?" I pull out my phone and open text, showing Rosinante the message I sent him before leaving with Luffy. Rosinante squints at my screen.

"I guess you're right, I must have missed it." Rosinante rubs a hand on the back of his neck, obviously embarrassed.

"Is your place far from here?" I turn to Luffy.

"It's funny I live in one house that way." Luffy points. "I never realized we lived so close."

"I'll see you later Luffy." I give Luffy a hug before he leaves.

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