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When Chris dropped the news of his impending move to Lovette in his living room, her reaction was palpable

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When Chris dropped the news of his impending move to Lovette in his living room, her reaction was palpable. The moment the words left his lips, he observed her retreat, a subtle but distinct detachment.

"What does this mean for us?" she asked, the sudden revelation catching her off guard. Her fingers, usually steady, betrayed her anxiety by tapping nervously against her thigh. She began quietly mouthing something to herself, a sign of the whirlwind of thoughts in her mind.

Seeking to reassure her, Chris moved to gently grab her hand. "It doesn't change anything. I still want to be with you."

His words acted like a balm, lifting a weight from her shoulders. Chris, sensing her unease, tugged her hand, prompting her to move closer. His hands found her waist, attempting to provide a physical anchor in the midst of uncertainty. "I leave in five months."

Lovette sighed, the tension in her dissipating as she stood on her tiptoes to whisper, "I can work with that," before sealing her acceptance with a kiss.



In the wake of Lovette's friends' departure, Chris became acutely aware of the moments he had missed with her during their stay. As the move loomed over the couple, a determination to reclaim those lost times ignited within him. Dates, gifts, and, in the current moment, kisses — he was determined to make every second count.

Lovette's infectious giggles danced in the air as Chris's lips journeyed from her neck to her face, showering it with a cascade of kisses before landing softly on her lips.

"I could kiss you forever," Chris whispered, his thumb delicately tracing the contour of Lovette's lower lip, a gentle descent following.

"Yeah?" Lovette responded, a light laughter escaping her lips. Her amusement ceased abruptly as Chris leaned in, planting a kiss on their cheek.

"Yeah," Chris affirmed, his tone earnest. "Yeah, I can. You think I'm lying?"

Lovette playfully kissed the pad of his finger, tilting her head. "Well, I guess you'll just have to convince me then."

He accepts her playful challenge, leaning in to pepper kisses all over her once again. The symphony of his girlfriend's laughter serves as sweet encouragement, propelling him to continue. Each kiss gently propels her backward until she finds herself at the edge of her bed. In one final tender kiss, Chris becomes the catalyst, causing her to fall backward onto the bed.

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