8. Intervention & Jade and Veronica's Return

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Movie Sonic's Point Of View

As I took a deep breath, the memories of the nightmare came rushing in like a tidal wave. "Hey guys, something happened last night." I said as I felt my tears fall. I knew this wouldn't be easy, which was why I waited until all my loved ones were present. "Oh my. What happened?" Marina asked in concern as she side hugged me. "I had the most intense nightmare of my life! You and my family were on Möbius when the echidna tribe ambushed us. The chief ordered for me, Silver, Shadow and you to be captured while killing the rest! They captured us by using the very same nets G.U.N. used in the movie we just saw! When I regained consciousness, I saw I was all alone, strapped down to an examination table, with a smaller table that had surgical tools on it. The Echidna Chief was there and started using one of the tools! That's when I woke up." I told them as I started to tremble and hugged Marina back. "Oh my poor Sonic!" Marina said, choked up as she held me closer. "Don't worry Sonic, we won't let that happen, ever!" Shadow said as he joined in on the hug. "I knew you were badly traumatized by them, but I didn't think it was PTSD levels of bad!" Modern said as I saw tears in his eyes. "Actually I was on the same boat until last night. I thought I fully recovered, but I was very wrong." I said sadly. "Sonic I hate to say this but, I have a bad feeling about this. I mean, your dreams led to something happening in real life that they foreshadowed. What if.." Silver couldn't even finish that sentence, and he didn't need to for me to understand where he was going with this. "I never thought about that! And I have no idea if it's going down that route." I said nervously. "Well, whatever happens, we'll face it together as family and a team!" Pretzel Mom reassured as she kissed me on my forehead.

Veronica's Point Of View

I was reading a book when my phone rang. I saw that it was Jade. "Hello Jade, what's up?" I asked, slightly annoyed because the book I was reading was so good. "Hey Veronica, I realized we haven't seen anything from the Wachowski brothers since the whole Halloween Princess thing. So why don't we pay Marina a visit. She's bound to know where they are." Jade explained with a devious tone. "Okay then come to my house and we'll head there." I replied curiously.

30 minutes later, Jade arrived and we headed for Marina's house. "So what's the plan once we find them?" I asked curiously. "Actually, I was thinking we could improvise. See what's going on and use that against them." Jade replied as we arrived at Marina's house.

Marina's Point Of View

As I continued to comfort Sonic, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll be right back my love. I have to go see who's at the door." I said and kissed his cheek. Then I turned into my normal form as I ran to the door. When I opened it, I saw that it was Jade and Veronica! "What the heck are you two doing here?!" I demanded hostily for I was not in the mood for their nonsense! "We were wondering where Sonic and his brothers are, have you seen them recently?" Jade asked with fake innocence, which I was not fooled by. "Why would I tell you?! Haven't you tortured them enough already?!" I said as my anger rose higher by the second. "Wait a minute, they're inside your house, aren't they?" Veronica said smugly. This caused me to gulp. "Fine you got me, but that doesn't mean I'll let you in! So get out of here!" I said as I was about to slam the door in their faces. "Oh I don't think so, Marina!" Jade said as she tried to force the door open! I had no idea she was this strong! "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Are you seriously going as low as trespassing?! You do realize Sheriff Tom is here too, right?" I said as put all my weight onto the door, trying to close it with all my strength. However I was quickly losing, so since mobians tend to have super human strength, I turned into my hedgehog form quickly and pushed even harder.

Movie Sonic's Point Of View

Play Cold Shivers - Myuu

As I was trying calm down from the sorrow of the possibility of my nightmare becoming a reality, my ears perked up as I could hear what sounded like Marina was in a struggle!  So I immediately ran to the front door. When I got there, I saw that Marina was trying to keep someone from getting in, however I couldn't tell who it was. When Marina noticed that I was there, she had a look of horror written all over her face and froze. The door suddenly slammed open, causing Marina to fall to the floor. "Marina are you alright?!" I asked fearfully as I ran over to her and helped her up. "Yeah, I'm fine Sonic." Marina replied reassuringly as she kissed my cheek. But then I heard a female voice clear her throat. So I turned and saw that it was Jade and Veronica that were desperately trying to enter the place! I froze in shock! I knew they've crossed a lot of lines when trying to harm us, but breaking into Marina's house so viciously was a whole new low! "What are you doing here?!" I demanded as I held Marina protectively. "Not much this time. We just haven't bumped into each other at school since the whole Midnight fiasco. So is there anything interesting happening and who is that hedgehog girl?" Jade replied as if she didn't just break an entering! "Are you blind or something?! That's Marina, she gave herself the ability to become this at will. As for anything else, It's none of your business! Get out! You're not welcome here!" I said, standing my ground. I was so done with their nonsense, and wasn't going to let them intimidate me anymore! However, that was the wrong move.

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