CH 28: Goodbye (Finale)

Start from the beginning

"You're not taking me back to the apartment are you?" I asked.

Donghae gave me a sad look before turning away. "You know you'll have to go back eventually right?"

I sighed as I held my arms close to my chest. "Well of course, but I'm not sure if I'm ready yet."

"You keep saying that. You can't keep using that as an excuse. I'm trying to be nice here Ava, but realistically you're going to have to go back sooner or later."

I leaned up against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor. I didn't want to have to face them again since I know I would only bring more tension. I didn't want to keep avoiding them, but I didn't think I was ready to face the other members again without a good reason for my sudden leave.

"Come on Ava, I bet once the others hear your side of the story they'll understand you better..." Donghae said before I cut him off.

"I'm sorry for causing you stress Donghae, but I think I need my space before I'm ready to go back. I just need some air..." I said quickly getting into the elevator and pressing a random floors number without even thinking.

Donghae wasn't fast enough to get in with me so I left him there in the hallway as the elevator started moving. I looked to see what elevator number I pressed to see that it was floor 17. Once I reach the floor in the elevator doors open I quickly ran out without any thought and ran straight into someone, causing both of us to fall to the ground. When I looked up to see who I ran into, my stomach dropped.

"Are you okay Ava?" Siwon said getting to his feet to help me up.

Are you serious? I had to run into Siwon of all people?

Siwon held out his hand to me and I grabbed it and he hoisted me to my feet.

"Where have you been? Me and the other members have been worried sick!"

"I-I'm sorry Siwon. The last thing I would want to do is make you or any of the others worried about me. I just need some time to be alone and think." I said trying to walk away before Siwon grabbed me by the arm.

"I don't think it's alone time you need, I think this is a time for you to be around people who really care about you. I want to make you feel better Ava, so why don't we go out and get something to eat? Maybe that will help you."

"I don't know Siwon. I really think I just need some time to myself..."

"Please Ava. I just really want to help you."

"Fine." I sighed pulling my hair behind my ear staring at the ground.

Siwon pressed the elevator button and gently grabbed my wrist to bring me into the elevator. I tapped my foot against the floor of the machine and contemplated just bolting out and running somewhere else, but decided against it because I knew that Siwon just wanted to help.

He took me out to a private fancy restaurant but we went in through the back to avoid any potential undercover paparazzi.

Since Siwon is close friends with the restaurant owner, we were able to have a small little room all to ourself.

"So do you have a reason for leaving without saying anything?" Siwon asked nonchalantly as he sipped on his water.

I sat in my seat for a moment and contemplated on what I should say. I had my own reasons, but should I tell him that I heard everything?

"I felt as if I was causing problems between you and Eunhyuk and I didn't like it." I said shaking my head and looking down at my hands folded up in my lap.

"That's okay, you can tell me when you're ready." Siwon said smiling.

Although he was trying to lighten the mood and make me feel better, I could tell he was hiding so many more emotions under the surface. I couldn't take it anymore. All the trouble I was causing and all of the stressful circumstances that have happened because of me, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I had made up my mind about what I need to do next.

"Siwon?" I said making him look up at me.

"I'm going home."

"What?" Siwon said surprised.

"I'm going back home to America for awhile. We all need a break from each other and simply moving out to a different place isn't enough. I think I need to go home and see my family and friends for awhile to clear my head."

"W-wait Ava are you sure? If we all sit down and talk maybe we can-"

"No." I said cutting Siwon off. "I've made up my mind. I'll go home and pack my stuff tonight and leave in the morning. In fact, is it okay if we go right now?"

"Of course! Anything you want." Siwon said standing up to help me out of my seat politely.

We drove back to the apartment and paused at the front door.

"Do you want to talk to anybody or do you just want to head straight up to your room?" Siwon asked.

"Straight to my room." I said taking a deep breath.

We opened the door and quickly ran to my room avoiding everyone else. Siwon locked the door behind us as I quickly went up the stairs. I took off my jacket and placed it on the couch as Siwon made his way over to me.

"Do you want any help packing?" He asked.

"No thanks. I would rather do this alone." I said holding back tears. "But thank you so much Siwon for being so understanding and patient with me. I know I've been a pain these past couple days."

"Ava, you could never ever be a pain to us. We love having you around and will miss you while your gone, but if you need time away, than of course we'll give it to you. We just hope you can be happy again."

I quickly embraced Siwon in a tight hug as I basically begged the tears filling up in my eyes not to fall. Siwon hugged back warmly as I thanked him sincerely for being there for me.

He finally left and wished me goodnight as he walked down the stairs and entered back into the apartment below. I soon went and fetched my suitcase and began packing up my clothes. My toiletries came next, my blanket, and small little souvenirs to bring home with me as well.

I slept that night on the bed with no blanket and in the clothes I would be wearing on the plane the next morning. I had trouble falling asleep just thinking about what tomorrow would bring. Should I say goodbye to everyone or leave silently in the early morning? My flight was set for 5am and I wouldn't want to wake anyone up. I would just decide in the morning when it was really time to make that decision.

The Next Morning


I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. I bolted up out of my bed and ran down the hallway to see the door to Ava's room unlocked and opened slightly. I sprinted up the steps to enter an empty loft with all of Ava's belongings gone.

I was too late.

[To Be Continued...]

[Hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter. I've been busy lately so I hope you all can understand>< but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment about what you think because I love receiving feedback! Thank you!]

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