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╰┈➤ ❝ The Sick Boy Who's Clingy ❞

Woo screamed in my ear as I woke up. "YAH WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!" "First, it's 2 pm. Second, Heeseung is sick." "... so?" "Do you have memory loss?" "Probably." "He's your boyfriend, dumbass." "Oh yeah, should I go visit him?" "No, you should go to a mall and eat popcorn all day." "What-" "OF COURSE YOU SHOULD VISIT HIM, HE'S LITERALLY WAITING FOR YOU."

I got up and changed, heading my way to Heeseung's house. Until... I realized I didn't know where his house was. I stood in the middle of the road, processing. I haven't met Heeseung since the trip, which was like 4 days ago.

I took out my phone and texted Woo.

Me : 

yo, where's heeseung's house

Waldo the kermit :


he's ur bf

Me : 


Waldo the kermit : 

how tf do you not know his house

Me :


just send address oi

Waldo the kermit :

alr alr calm down dumbass

Me : 


I arrived at the so-called "Heeseung's House" and rang the doorbell. The door opened revealing a creature called Heeseung with messy hair. "You're here, cutie!" He hugged me and I escaped his grip and dragged him.

"Where's your room?" He then proceeded to drag me to his room. His room was nice, like a guy's bedroom but cleaner. I made him lie on his bed before tucking him in. I touched his forehead before widening my eyes.

"How'd you get this sick?! You have a high fever!" Heeseung chuckled as he grabbed my hand, making me sit on the edge of the bed. "I went to get snacks in the rain." "And why did you do that?" "I was hungry." I stared at his beautiful face in disbelief.

"Do you have any medications?" "In the kitchen." "What do you wanna eat?" "your cute cheeks." He pinched my cheeks as I slapped his hands away. "fineee. I want ramyeon." "no." "whyyyyyy" "You're sick, Sherlock." "Fine... rice porridge please." 

Thank god my mom taught me how to make it. I went to the kitchen to find the rice and broth ready. Who cooked this? I added them together and mixed them with some vegetables I found in the fridge. 

I went back to Heeseung's room and placed the bowl of Dak-juk on his little table. "Who cooked the rice and made the broth?" "Oh that, my brother made them before going to work." "You live with your brother?" "Yup, my parents live in Namyangju." "Damn, that's far."

After the short conversation, I asked Heeseung to eat but he refused to even take a bite. "Feed me." "In your dreams." "Then this is a dream." I sighed before feeding him. "You're seriously like a man-child." 

After feeding him, I went to keep the bowl but Heeseung grabbed my hand. "Don't go, lie down with me~" He whined as I finally agreed. Who knew such a fine-looking man could be a literal clingy baby? Well, I would rather not call him a baby again...

I lay down beside him as he hugged me tight. "You're so cute." He caressed my face as it turned red. "W-why are you still flirty even if you're sick?" "Because you're too cute for my heart." "A-and you're too flirty!"

After a few minutes, I heard the soft snores of Heeseung. I smiled, turning to face him properly. I softly touched his nose before caressing his features. He looked so cute while sleeping. I hadn't noticed that I fell asleep.

I woke up just 20 minutes later. I stared at Heeseung to find him still sleeping. I gently touched his lip, how is he so perfect? I was startled when Heeseung suddenly spoke. "So you wanna kiss me while I'm sleeping? I can't believe you would take advantage of me like that."

"Shut up, I wouldn't kiss you. Especially since you're sick." "Kiss me please~"  I hesitantly kissed his cheek. I stayed silent as Heeseung became my personal fanboy. I sat up as he copied me.

"Hey, Heeseung?" "Yes, cutie?" "... When you're better, can you... go out with me?" "OMO ARE YOU CONFESSING?!" "We're dating. Anyway, my aunt is taking me to an amusement park the day after tomorrow. Wanna come along?" "Of course~"

"Cutie?" I blinked at him as I titled my head. "You were born in 2002 right?" "Yeah?" "Then why don't you call me Oppa?" "... I don't even call my brother Oppa." "Why?" "I don't know. Just a habit?"

"Well, when we have children, I want them to call each other Noona, Hyung, Eonnie and Oppa. It's cute." I choked on my saliva before fanning my face. "Oh my, are you shy?" "H-Heeseung, we've been dating for like 2 months?!" "So what, I already planned my proposal, y'know?"


While Nari went to cook something, I scrolled through Instagram, completely ignoring the fact that Woo had called me 37 times.

After eating dinner, Nari and I watched a movie. Of course, I kept teasing her the entire time. Don't blame me, it's cute seeing her red and flustered. 

The movie ended as Nari touched my forehead. She smiled adorably, "You don't have a fever anymore!" "Now, I can kiss you." I grinned pulling her closer to me. "H-hey..." "Can I?" She nodded.

I didn't wanna admit that I missed her even though I met her just 4 days ago. 

I smiled as I pulled away, but then my smile dropped when- "HOW DARE YOU LEE HEESEUNG!" Woo stomped into the living room. "YOU DARE TO IGNORE ALL MY CALLS AND TEXTS JUST TO KISS MY SISTER?!" "yes" "ARE YOU EVEN SICK?! OR DO YOU JUST WANT TO-" "shut up."

Nari and I had to suffer while listening to Woo's ongoing rant. Once he finally stopped, he marched into the kitchen to steal my chips and Nari. 

I managed to hug her before she was taken away by that madman. I lay on the couch as Heedo, my brother ate the dinner that Nari made. "Damn, your girl's good at cooking." I nodded as I sighed. "Hey, Hyung?" "whot." He said, stuffing his face with fried chicken.

"Give me pick-up lines to use on a picnic~" "Sure..."

Yes, Heedo Hyung is where I got my pick-up lines.

fun fact; i text just like them :P


im going insane bc of my crush (his moustache is making me sob)

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