𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘹〔 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 〕

Comenzar desde el principio

They stare at each other expectantly for a second before I huff out in annoyance and slap them both upside the head, making them whine and swap objects like children. Rafe shoves the gun in the back of his waistband and looks at me.

"You ready?" He asks, still pouting and rubbing the back of his head.

"Hell, yeah" I grin excitedly.

Rafe flashes me a grin of his own and turns to push the door open, revealing the back of a guard behind the blurred glass of the front door.

"Shit" Rafe mutters, looking around "Okay, this way, this way, this way"

Rafe heads right, checking the doors for another way out and Kiara turns left, starting to take pictures on the phone in her hand of the walls.

"Come on" I hear Rafe mumbling but my attention is stuck on Kiara.

"Yo, Kie, what the hell?" I question in confusion.

"Kie, what are you doing? Let's go! Addy, come on!" Rafe rushes us.

"Hold on!" Kiara counters and I watch her send a picture that she took to her own email.

"Kie, come on!" Rafe snaps, the girl following me over to him.

The three of us exit through a side door that wasn't guarded and I stay closely behind Rafe as we duck down behind a green wooden fence. Kiara peeks over the fence and I reach a gap, peeking around it to see a truck that is being filled with a whole bunch of hay.

"Can you see?" Rafe breathes against my neck, his hand gripping my waist.

My own breath hitches and the hair on the back of my neck stands up, butterflies swarming in my stomach due to the boy's close proximity and his hand that slips down to hold my hip.

"I got an idea. Come on, come on!" Kiara informs us, hitting my arm to get my attention.

Rafe and I both chase after the running Carrera girl, her running quickly turning to sprinting and I huff out in irritation.

"Come on!" Kiara repeats.

"I'm moving as fast as I can, woman" I mutter.

"Come on, come on" Rafe adds, the three of us race down the grass after the now moving truck.

"They're slowing down. Come on, come on!" Kiara tells us.

"Go, go, go, go, go" Rafe ushers us onto the road, running behind the slowed down truck.

"Let's go!" Kiara adds, jumping and grabbing onto the back of it.

She climbs up as Rafe and I both grab on too, the boy pulling himself into the bed with ease. My foot slips and I gasp, clinging onto the metal for dear life as my converse scuff against the concrete below us. Rafe tries to grab me to help but we all notice a man sitting in the bed, staring at us in disbelief.

"Oh, for fuck sake" I curse, trying to find something to put my foot on so I can pull myself up but it just slips again.

"No. No, no!" The man shakes his head in a panic and Rafe immediately grabs him.

The Cameron boy slams him against the truck roof and starts laying punches into his face while Kiara grabs onto my arms yanking me up into the truck with her, the both of us toppling into the hay together.

"Rafe!" Kiara shouts at him as the males fight, both of them falling into the hay.

Rafe kicks the man in the face and scrambles to his feet, grabbing the man in anger.

"No! Please, don't!" The man cries out as Rafe yanks him towards the edge.

"Don't!-" Kiara shrieks but she's too late because the man is already over the edge and smashing onto concrete behind us now.

Rafe takes a few deep breaths and his gaze falls on me, his body immediately moving towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, looking me over for injuries but I wave him off.

"I'm okay. I'm fine" I assure him.

"Guys, we have to hide. Now" Kiara cuts us off, yanking both down.

The three of us hide under a green tarp that is hidden under the hay and I lay between the two of them, Kiara holding my hand tightly in worry so I try my best to reassure her with a smile.

"Let's go!" A guard yells as the truck comes to a stop.

"Yes, my friend" The driver replies.

We lay in complete silence and I squeeze my eyes closed, holding my breath when I hear a dog bark from nearby.

"Yeah. All clear" The guard confirms and I let out a quiet breath in relief "Let them through!

The truck starts to move forward again but we wait a few minutes before pulling the tarp way and sitting up to lean against the front of the truck.

"I told you we just had to work together" Rafe grins and I wrap my arm around Kiara, sensing her discomfort with the situation "All right. Listen,  we're headed out to my boat, okay? I can give you a ride out, drop you wherever, somewhere safe"

"One thing though. Look at me" Rafe demands and we look at him "I know your friends are        on the island, your brother and my sister. I'm not helping them. All right? I can't trust them, okay? I'll give you a ride out, not them. Okay?"

"I just want to get off the island" Kiara mutters, but from a mere glance at her expression I can tell that the Carrera girl is lying.

"That's smart" Rafe smiles in amusement, clearly not spotting her lie "You know, I never thought of you as a Pogue"

"What did you think of me as?" She asks, not looking happy at all.

"I mean, I always liked you, Kie. You're at least half Kook" Rafe chuckles and Kiara fakes a laugh but I see right through it.

"He's pretty shit at them, but that was his attempt at a compliment I believe" I joke to ease the tension and Rafe flicks my nose, making me laugh as he smiles.

I squeeze the girl's arm a little to get her attention and she gives me a small genuine smile, laying her head on my shoulder with a tired sigh.

𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 ☼ 𝘳𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora