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After putting out all the snacks, drinks, and board games, everyone started to arrive

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After putting out all the snacks, drinks, and board games, everyone started to arrive. The night went great. We were all getting along, learning things about each other – like how Katie is a massive sore loser when it comes to monopoly, and how Beth and Viv can turn against each other in a very intense game of FIFA.

We ate so much food, we were absolutely stuffed. Getting ready to go lay on the sofa, I heard Beth shout.

"No girls! We are not tired yet! Let's play truth or dare!"

Everyone jumped at the idea as we pushed the sofa backwards and sat in a circle in between the TV, which was now playing some soft folk songs, and the sofa. I was sat next to Katie of course, and Beth and Viv, and Lessi and Nat were sat together too. All the couples.

"Okay I'll go first! Nat truth or dare?"

"Truth, start off easy."

"What do you have us all named as in your phone?"

"Oooh this will be interesting" she said as she pulled out her phone, "okay so I'll start with you Beth, you're just Meado👌, Steph is Catley🤩, Caitlin is Cait's🌷, less is Love💘 , lotte is just Lotts🤍, Viv you have Vivianne🌼, Katie you're McCabe🙏, Lia you're Wally😝, Gio is Big Sister👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 and Ami is Tooney❤"

"I have so many questions" Beth asked.

"Go on then" I laughed.

"Okay so why am I just Meado? Why is Viv her whole name? Why is Alessia love, why is Gio your big sister, and why is Ami Tooney? Shouldn't Tooney be Tooney?" she questioned.

"Well Beth, that's your name. Viv is Vivianne because that's also her name, Gio is my big sister, so I have her as that because she looks after me, and Ami is Tooney because we have had a joke for ages where I'm more like Alessia and she is more like Tooney, and just like them, were inseparable.. and I don't have Ella Toone's number." she said, completely avoiding the Alessia question.

Beth nodded as Alessia just laughed. "Anyway, Ami, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I said as I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"I dare you to sit on Gio's lap for the rest of the game." Oh, that's easy, it's Gio. I got up and walked across the circle to Gio as I sat in between her legs, her arms wrapped around my stomach. I looked at Katie who looked so jealous. That was cute.

"Lia, truth or dare?"

"Hm, truth."

"Who do you have a crush on?" I asked, innocently. No one was really paying attention, but I saw Caitlin look up and at Lia, as they looked in each other's eyes.

"I can't answer that." she says as she looks down.

"That okay! Forfeit though, swap shirts with Steph." I chuckled as Steph and Lia swapped shirts. I looked at Caitlin who had her eyes on Lia, just admiring her.

"Caitlin, truth or dare?" Lia asked.

"Dare." Caitlin said straight away.

"Kiss the girl you want to kiss the most." she said, with almost a sense of demand. Caitlin walked up, past me and Gio, who were still sat with each other, to the other side of the circle and crashed her lips into Lia's, quite sweetly, but in desperate need of something. They pulled away as everyone started screaming.

"Girls! Shut up! Anyway, Beth, truth or dare?"

The rest of the round went on without many interesting questions or dares, until it got to Katie.

"Katie, truth or dare?" Viv asked.

"Dare of course, I'm not a pussy." she said as everyone laughed.

"I dare you to take a piece of clothing off for the rest of the game." Viv laughed as Katie removed her shirt. Oh, how gorgeous she was. I accidently caught my eyes drifting down her body, and Katie noticed too.

"Oh shit, were out of crisps. Ami, come get some more from the kitchen with me?" she said with a little smirk. We got up and as soon as we got into the kitchen, Katie smashed her lips against mine, almost needing something from me. She pulled away for air as she said, "I saw you looking at my breasts, Ami." I immediately went red, so I kissed her again. This time it was cut off shortly after by Beth walking in.

"It doesn't take that long to get crisps" she said as she saw us kissing and laughed. We grabbed the crisps and went back to the game. Instead of sitting back with Gio, I sat in between Katie's legs, as she held her hands under my shirt, not doing anything, just resting them there.

We decided to have another round, however if you chose truth last time, you had to pick dare this time, and vise versa.

"Katie, who do you have a crush on?" Steph asked.

"Amelia of course, who else?" she chuckled. "Caitlin, apart from Lia just then, who was the last person you kissed?"

"Lia still." she said quietly as her face went red, immediately shifting her question onto me, "Ami, are you and Katie in a relationship?"

"No, not yet." I answered truthfully, as Katie looked down and smiled at me. "Nat, kiss the person you like the most."

Natalya captures Alessia's head in her hands as they move their lips in unison. Starting to make out.

"I said kiss! Not snog!" I shouted, jokingly as everyone chuckled an Alessia's face turned bright red.

After the round finished, we decided to all sit on the sofa and beanbags that were in the living room, as we watched Descendants. I know we are all adults, but that movie will never not slap.

Everyone was with someone. I was cuddled into Katie, Lessi and Nat were cuddled into each other, Beth and Viv, and even Caitlin and Lia were cuddled into each other. Gio had her head rested on Steph's lap, as Lotte was laid on Gio's lap.

Everyone had gone home at around 10, and after a great night, I fell asleep on Katie's chest, as we cuddled in her bed.

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