Chapter 1

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Angelina's POV

All I see is black. I heard my sister, Marija, crying while holding my hand. I wish I could hug her immediately but right now all I think about is Adriana, the way her head fell into my arms the second she got shot in the head by Kosta, and Andrija, I've had a huge crush on him since Grade 5 but I think he like Mara but I won't let him break my friendship with Mara.

In Heaven

Adriana saw Angelina lying on the hospital bed lifeless. Her heart broke into pieces seeing her bestfriend lying there with 2 holes on her head.

Adriana: God?
God: Yes?
Adriana: Is there any way I could bring Gina to life again
God: There is
Adriana: Tell me!
God: Just say 'God forgives you'
Adriana: Gina, god forgives you

After 1 hour,

Angelina's POV
I hope I die so I can finally be with my friends in heaven. Right now, I just wanna say goodbye to Marija, Luka and mum. Wait, I can move my fingers. I moved my fingers and Marija noticed it and called the doctors immediatly. The doctors check my head and I heard them saying "WTH, the holes in her head are gone absolutely nothing left not even a scratch!" Marija went to check and she sound suprised, worried, happy and anxious. She called Luka and mum and they rushed to the hospital. I can open my eyes so I opened it. Marija was crying happy tears. Luka's eyes lighten up and mum's tear stopped dropping. I took off the oxygen mask myself and say "I'm alive", the doctors were in awe.

After 2 days, I got released from the hospital. I convinced mom to go to Andrija's grave. We went there, there I saw the boy I admired burried underground. I cried there for a few minutes then, we went to Adri's grave. I noticed that it was a heart, the girl whom I can always show my true emotions to, burried underground.

We went to Mara's grave next, Mara's grave was small but I admired it, the girl who cared about my feelings burried underground, after that we visited all of the victims' graves. I went to Tiktok and saw edits of me lying on the hospital bed. Rumors of me dying and edits of me, and the other victims.

In Heaven

God: Well, I decided I will sent all of you to Earth again.
Andrija: REALLY!!!!??
God: Yes my son
Ema: But how?
God: I can just send you back
Ana: But how will our parents know?
God: I will give them a dream to check near your graves and I'll drop you off there
Mara: Thank you so much god
Adriana: What about Gina?
God: Didn't you see, she visited your graves
Adriana: Ohh
Sofija: What if they ask 'How did you become alive again?'
God: Just say my name
Bojona: What if they don't pick us up?
God: Don't worry they will
Andrija: I remembered Irina tripping over my body

God gives their parents a dream

The parents found their daughter/son near their graves. They went astonished and suprised.

Milo Cikic's Pov (Andrija's dad)

God gave both me and Suzzanne a dream. We found our son, Andrija, back to life, we called his only alive friend, Angelina, and arrived in a few minutes

Angelina's POV

Andrija's parent told us to come to grave so we did. I saw Andrija smiling waiting for me to hug him. As I got out of the car I hugged him tightly as he wraped his arm around my waist and spun me around. "Since when you get taller?" I chuckled "I don't know" he said laughing. "Andrija, how did you get alive again?" Mum asked "God well he bring us all" Andrija replied "Us?" I said in a suprising way "Yeah all the victims" he replied "Mum, Adri's grave please" I asked my mum. Andrija's family ended up driving us there where I saw Adri there standing "GINA!!!!" She exclaimed "Adri!!!!!!" I shouted we hugged for few minutes "Wait wait wait selfie time" she said as she took out her phone. I posed for the selfie and she captioned it 'Alive again' people were confused. After a few minutes her parents came and saw what's going on. We did the same to everyone even Dragan.

We even filmed a tiktok together.

Angelina: Adri, I have something to tell you
Adri: Yea?
Angelina: *covers Adri's ear* I think I like Andrija
Adri: *eyes widen and squel* Gurl go for it!
Angelina: shush
Everyone: *looking at they 2*
Angelina: but I think he like Mara
Adri: Nah they're just friends
Angelina: How do you know
Adri: I know everything

Andrija: What were you guys talking about?
Angelina: Nothing, right Adri?
Adri: Uhh yeah but someone got a huge crush on the little pia-
Angelina: *covers Adri's mouth* nothing she piaon
Andrija: What's piaon
Angelina: Nothing
Andrija: Alright

Luka is Angelina's cousin btw

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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