1. Young Love

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Imagine: Lily-Rose and Y/n being young and in love

Male Y/n!

October 10th 2016, Los Angeles

Lily-Rose's POV
It was a Monday afternoon, I was walking down the street with my boyfriend y/n

Y/n is a year older than me we've been together for a couple of months after 2 years of the crush game that all teenagers play

He met my parents, my parents like him so does Jack my little brother

He is genuinely so good for me, I was in a situationship with a guy who was 8 years older than me a couple of months ago he was a nightmare so we didn't last more than a month

We walked hand in hand, the paparazzi was up my butt as per usual I can't win with them

He held my hand, then we went to a restaurant and he opened the door for me

We went inside and sat down, I put my red Chanel bag down and took off my sunglasses

"How was work?" Y/n asked running a hand through his hair "good stressful but good, I kinda miss school though" I said honestly

"What can I do to get you guys started?" The waitress said "Pepsi please" I said "water is good" y/n said as the waitress handed us our menus

"Ok one Pepsi one water I'll be right back" the waitress said and walked away

We looked at our menus but we already knew what we wanted

"Yeah but like I was saying I kinda miss school? Like I don't miss tests but I miss seeing my friends from 8 up until like 2/3 you know?" I said to my boyfriend and he nodded in agreement

"Yeah but then you don't get to go on Monday afternoon lunch dates with me" he said giving me a pouty face

I smiled and kissed him and he kissed me back

"Do you have any new movies coming up?" He asked "not yet I don't start filming for a lot of things until next year and I'm still looking at scripts so my options are open" I answered him

"It's good to keep your options open for sure" he said and the waitress came back with our drinks

We ordered our food which I got fettuccine Alfredo and chicken he got grilled cheese and tomato soup

"You know that crazy ex you told me your dad had?" My boyfriend said eating his grilled cheese "yeah?" I said wiping my face off

"She sent me a message trying to hook up with me" he said showing me his phone

"Hey handsome are you in LA meet me at eastern building penthouse x 😉"

"Oh You have got to be fucking kidding me" I said replused that the woman would stoop so low, y/n is 18 years old for crying out loud

"I know and she sent me nudes like I'm not interested in your old lady bits, 30 isn't old but and I do hate to say this when you get around that much it looks gross"

I quickly sent a text to my dad about it, I felt terrible he doesn't deserve this crap I had to delete the post I made supporting him because of the death threats I got because of it, that and my dad said to please stay out of it

"I hate that she won't leave us alone" I said shaking my head in disappointment "that's the problem with narcissistic people they want your attention at all times and if they don't get it they will lose the plot" he said holding my hand

"I'm convinced all of us are going to have to get restraining orders and cease and desists" I said and he just put a necklace on me

"Y/n we haven't even been together for a year" I said looking at the very beautiful diamond necklace

"Does that mean I get to propose on our 1 year anniversary?" He said smiling at me

"I think my dad will skin you" I laughed "says the man who was married when he was 20 years old" he retorted

I rolled my eyes, I tend to forget my dad has been married before

"Wanna go to target?" He suggested and I nodded yes, he got the waitress we got a cake to eat later and he paid the bill (yes I did fight him on it)

We left hand in hand and went to target then went home to eat our cake and nap

We left hand in hand and went to target then went home to eat our cake and nap

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