Chapter 19: Idk

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A few day's went by with the group at the Butterfly mansion. Zenitsu and Inouske were starting to heal from their injuries. They have started doing their rehabilitation training now.

As usual, after every training session, the two eat. Zenitsu and Inouske sit outside on the porch eating. Kiyo, Naho and Sumi brought Onigiri for them to eat. They sit there eating, Tanjiro watches them from the door way.

He doesn't do anything in particular, he just stares. Tanjiro observes them to try and understand humans more. This is one of those moments he wonders what he was like when human

Zenitsu smiles while eating, like he's in heaven. Inouske on the other hand is eating all messy, he's being loud again. This is all intriguing to Tanjiro, he moves away from the door way. He walks away to find Giyuu.

Minutes later

Giyuu was talking-not really, to Shinobu. When the one sided conversation is done Shinobu walks away. He stands there before turning to walk away as well. Giyuu stop when he sees-


Tanjiro smiles

Giyuu blinks. He's confused.

Really confused.

They stare at each other, a smile on Tanjiro's face. Giyuu looks around then back at Tanjiro.

"Is...Is that you..?"


"Why are you like that then?.."
Giyuu ponders

Tanjiro's smile falls. He doesn't know why, he's just copying the emotions he saw.

He shrugs.

Tanjiro takes Giyuu's hand and places it on his head. It seems he wants head pats now. Giyuu sighs through his nose, the sound subtle. He pats Tanjiro as wanted.

"I was copying Zenitsu's and Inouske's...emotions"

"Oh. I see"
He mumbles

Giyuu stops after a bit, his stomach growls. Tanjiro looks up from the sound. Giyuu is hiding it but he's embarrassed. Without a word, Tanjiro grabs his arm. He leads him to the porch area where Zenitsu, Inouske and the three younger servant's are.

Giyuu is confused but follows Tanjiro anyway. Tanjiro stops pulling him once they've reached the porch. Zenitsu and Inouske do what they're doing, the three young girls look at the two.

"He's hungry"

"Oh! Have an onigiri Giyuu-sama!"
They exlaim

Kiyo holds the tray as Naho and Sumi offer Giyuu an onigiri. They smike as they hold it up for him to take. Giyuu takes one then takes a bite.

"...Thank you"

"You're welcome!"

"Want one, Tanjiro?"
Sumi asks

He shakes his head. He doesn't need to eat as a demon. Instead of eating with the other three Tanjiro sits there. He watches them, waiting for them to finish. Specifically waiting for Giyuu to be done.

Later that night

Everything is still in the Butterfly mansion. Everyone is fast asleep, not a sound to be heard. Except for Tanjiro.

He sits outside on the porch, watching the night sky. He sits there motionless as he stares up at the moon. Tanjiro had left his room after Giyuu fell asleep. No one knows Tanjiro is sitting outside.

He wonders why he's a demon.


Hey, hey! Short chapter but you know. School. Also I was babysitting so I didn't have all the time in the world. I still tired to update though. So here you are.

Have a good day/night

Hashira With A DemonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz