Chapter one

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It was 10pm, you were supposed to be home by now.. But your parents could wait. Or at least you could hope. You were out with 2 friends at the roller rink, your friend Mari and Oliver. You held onto Oliver for dear life. You could not roller skate at all. You were a bit bummed out, A bunch of 7th graders where there. But who else would be there? Your school wasn't in this part of town.

"Dude!!" *you said as your friend Oliver kept skating like it was second nature and you held onto him*

"Y/n! You need to learn how to skate and not just hold onto me. Or at least do what Maris doing. Hold onto the side" *Oliver says in a slightly aggravated way as he points to your friend Mari, standing at the edge as she tries to keep her balance*

"Okay okay. Someone's moody" *you say a bit sarcastically as you let go and try your best to walk over to the edge near Mari*

as you try your hardest to not fall down and keep your balance to walk to Mari you see some boys with brown hair and a darker outfit skate towards you as you try to run out of their way but you fall down in the process

You look up as one of them stops right in front of you and just looks down at you as you get up, seemingly frozen in place, they just kept looking at you, you got a better view of him from looking up at him and see his shit says 'Löded diper'. He was definitely not someone from the academy, if anyone from there wore a shirt like that they'd be expelled and their parents would probably crucify them for wearing such a 'dirty' shirt.

You get up and then make your way towards Mari, that dude not helping you at all. Kinda rude but I mean I guess thats how some people are? You never really met/talked to anyone that wasn't apart of your academy. You only had your parents words that 'most people are rude and judgemental', though you believed it still you wish he would've helped you. I mean sure no ones really like 'Super nice' per say but it would've been polite. You think as you walk towards Mari*

"Hey" *you say and hold onto the edge* 

"Hey!" *she says with a slight crack in her voice*

*just then you get a text and take your phone out*

"where are you? Its past your curfew" *the test reads as you text back*

"I'm driving back home now mom, I love you" *you text with a sigh then look up at Mari and say*

"Can I have a ride?" 

*she nods and says* 

"Sure, we can get in my car as soon as we take these skates off!" *she says and true to untie her shoes*

*you smile and nod and start uniting your shoes as Oliver skates over*

"What's up? Why are you taking your skates off? Are we leaving" *he asks and sits down next to you*

"Yup" *You say as you finish taking off your shoes and hold them in your hands* "You should probably come with us. You don't have a ride" *you say to Oliver*

(A/no Backstory, Oliver has been your best friend since 6th grade, when you both started going to the academy, now your in senior year and you're still best friends. While he can be rude at times, you both still love each other, though it's all platonic)

*Oliver nods and smiles* "Yeah, I mean I was worried you guys where taking off without me" *he says as he takes off his skates and Mari continues trying to take them off as you say* "I'm gonna use the restroom" *you say then walk towards the restroom and see that one guy who accidentally bumped into you near the restroom on his phone.

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