Chapter 45 Him and her

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  The overall number of artists is much lower than that of other companies, but which one of the artists under LME is not quite influential?

  Hozu Shuhei, Tsuruga Ren, plus Arimori Hideichi. Just the last two of these three people are not characters that any company or director can underestimate.

  As for Baozu Zhouping, who ranked first?

  That wayward guy, don't mention it!

  He held a funeral for 'Hozu Shuhei' because his name was too popular?

  Because he wanted to be a brand new self, he deliberately took a new name Xing Dang Heasley?

  Fortunately, this reckless guy is not in the country. If he dares to stand in front of him with a smile, he, Takarada Raleigh, will definitely make him pay a heavy price.

  Just when this man was slandering a certain man alone, the fifty survivors who had introduced themselves on the large stage sat in a row on chairs arranged in a straight line.

  Right now, as long as you are in this room.

  These dozens of beauties are either coquettish, pure, sunny, or dark. Taste carefully one by one from left to right, it really makes a pair of eyes full of addiction.

  Choosing a female artist is better than choosing a male artist. Not only do you not have to endure the pain caused by special looks, but you can also enjoy your eyes while working. Why not do it.

  "President, the last batch of contestants has been checked. Look, the arrangement for the afternoon..."

      "Where is Xiaoxian? Have you not come back yet?"

  I cast my questioning eyes on the subordinates beside me, and saw him shake After shaking his head to indicate that the person he was looking for had not returned, Baotian Luoli folded his left Takarada on his right leg, raised a finger and tapped his jaw lightly, planning what to do.

  The reason why he asked Takeshi to find those two people was naturally his own consideration.

  Tsuruga Ren, strong elegance.

  There is Hideichi Mori, free energy.

  These two distinctive qualities will certainly play a considerable role in this test.

  The fifty girls on stage are the focus of this selection, and maybe a few of them are directly related to the future of the LME Female Artist Department.

 It would be a bit imprudent to let these children with certain talents use the same test questions as the previous candidates.

  In the last link, he wanted to test the children's reaction to stress. Whether it's collapse or resistance, only when they are forced into a desperate situation can they observe the extent of their hidden talent.

  But now in the company, there are only those two people who are free and can perfectly fulfill this requirement.

  "Mr. Xiaolin, call Takenori and ask him where he is. Judging from the itinerary, Lian and Hideichi are not working today, so you have to bring them to me no matter what...huh?" , The sound of the door opening at the back of the theater, accompanied by a sudden flash of light, attracted the attention of everyone sitting in the theater.

  Sitting high, you can naturally see far.

  There was only a burst of exclamation, and the girls sitting on the stage waiting for the test suddenly exploded.

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