Chapter 5 Performance (2)

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  Recitation, dancing and singing.

  Waiting until the fourth candidate came on stage, the boring and featureless specialty performance finally ushered in some changes.

  Watching the young man who was wearing a martial arts uniform and cheering himself up in the background, walk up to the stage, Arimori Hideichi just took one look, then turned around and held the plain long kimono prepared for him by the staff towards the changing room walked in.

  What the tea ceremony requires is state of mind. It is too late to stabilize one's mind at such a critical moment, and how can one have the time to worry about other people's affairs.

  The clothes are very suitable, plain and simple without any cumbersome decorations.

  In the clean and peaceful white, there are only a few strokes of ink that smudge like clouds on the cuffs, skirt, and waistline. Putting on this outfit, it is really suitable for the next performance.

  He took off his jacket and shirt, and after a little thought, he even took off his close-fitting thermal underwear regardless of the cold backstage.

  Shivering, he wrapped his arms around his upper body and rubbed them together for a while, then he took advantage of the warmth of his body to unfold the kimono and quickly put it on one by one.

  what does it feel like Of course it is cold!

  Not to mention that the heating in the backstage was not turned on. It was obvious that it had just been brought from the outside, and the clothes that were so cold that it made people's skin crawl all over were almost unbearable.

  Standing with his body in his arms to adapt to the temperature of his body, Arimori Hideichi flattened the front and back of the clothes, picked up the belt from the front to the back, crossed and knotted it, and retouched the image in the mirror, and finally he tied up the long hair behind him with a headband of the same color, and then nodded in satisfaction that he had completely put on the clothes on his body.

  Folding the previous clothes neatly in his hands, when he came out of the changing room and appeared in the eyes of others again, the eighth candidate also just walked onto the stage.

  In terms of timing, it was just right.


  The first one who noticed his return was Miss Sachiko from before, and she stared at the young man who was walking slowly with her eyes wide open without even blinking.

  scare? Of course she was frightened!

  The slender figure, the gently swaying hair on the side of the ear, is elegant and dusty. The young man who was obviously sunny and fashionable half an hour ago, why did he seem to be a different person when he disappeared for a while?

  Countless people like her who have been tested for a long time are like this, and the expressions on the faces of those young people with even worse experience but who think they are different can be imagined.

  Performance on stage? Who has the time to care about that!

  Is it amazing to play the saxophone? His ordinary performance is nothing compared to the scenery in front of him!

  "Sister Sachiko, please take care of my clothes."

  Putting the things in her hands into the hands of the dazed woman, Arimori Hideichi nodded at her, glanced around the backstage, and flicked her sleeves. He stood on the edge of the passage leading to the stage and meditated.

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