"Then tell me. I thought I told you to take it slow!!"

"And we are!" I told her, despite her not believing it.

I then told her the whole story, starting from the night of the party where she was on my lap kissing my neck, to this morning when I saw her laying on my chest.

"Okay fine. I'm glad you guys haven't fucked yet. But still Cabey! She's only little."

"She's 19! I'm only 24! It's fine. Its legal." I said, trying to prove something.

"I know it is you dickhead." She laughed, "but she's still a baby."

"Oh, whatever Cait! You were like that with Wally weren't you." I said, knowing me and Caitlin could now speak about her ex, Lia Wälti.

"Yeah, I was. But you're not ussss" she dragged out.

"C'mon, I need to go shopping." I stated, changing the subject.

We walked through town, and I saw a jeweller that had a necklace in that Ami had liked the other day when we were shopping, but the shop was closed then. So, I decided to go in and get it.

It was beautiful and would look great on her

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It was beautiful and would look great on her. Green is her favourite colour; she has told me so many times and it's all she goes on about. Green this, green that. It's adorable hearing her talk about something she is passionate in, even if it is just a colour.

Caitlin looked at me and smiled, but before she could say anything, I spoke.

"No, don't say it." I laughed, but she said it anyway.

"You loooooove her" she said, making sure to drag out the 'love.'

"No, I don't! I don't think... I just really like her, and she liked this necklace, so I got it!" I laughed back.

We walked back to the car and drove back to mine, I then said bye to Caitlin as she drove home. I walked into the house to see Beth and Viv on the couch.

"Hey, is she awake yet?" I asked the girls.

Viv replied straight away, "Yeah, she came down and got some food, asked if you were out with Caitlin, then told us she was going up to shower and she would be down in a second."

"Thanks, Vivi!" I said as I started walking away.

"Wait!" I heard from Beth, "What did you buy from the expensive jewellers?" She said as she saw my bag.

I walked back over to her and showed her the necklace.

"Hey, wasn't that the one Ami was showing us the other talking about her favourite colour again Beth?" Viv asks her girlfriend.

"Yes, yes it was." She comes to the realization soon after, "Oh my gosh you bought it for her! That's amazing! She is going to love you!"

I chuckled and walked away, before muttering to myself, "One day. I hope so."

I walked up to her room to find it was empty, no shower running, nothing. My room. She has to be in my room. I walked in and heard my shower going, so I decided to wait on my bed. Shortly after, she came out of the bathroom in just a towel. Her light brown hair sitting wet down her back. She looked beautiful. She walked over to me and placed a light kiss on my lips.

"I was scared you wouldn't remember." I muttered. She started getting dressed in front of me, turned around but checking her phone at the same time.

"Who wouldn't remember kissing their girlfriend for the first time?" she spoke, without realizing what she said. I sat there in silence. A second later she flung her head around.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. That slipped out. I didn't mean it. It just happened." She ran over and held my face in her hands, still only half dressed.

"That okay baby, one day. One day you will be." I said as I kissed her lips softly.

She finished getting dressed, and as we had no plans, she wore joggers and a white shirt. She still looked gorgeous.

She walked back over to me after finishing getting dressed

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She walked back over to me after finishing getting dressed. I sat her down on my lap.

"Close your eyes baby." I said, which caused her to pull a face, but reluctantly, she closed her eyes. I put the necklace around her neck and as soon as she opened her eyes she ran to my mirror.

"Katie! I love it so much. I didn't think you paid attention to be honest." She chuckled as I walked behind her and placed a light kiss on the side of her neck.

"How could I not pay attention to my girlfriend?" I laughed once again.

We spent the rest of the day downstairs with Beth and Viv who were cuddled up on the sofa, which gave us a reason to cuddle up too.

All day, Ami did not once take her necklace off.

She also kissed me in front of Beth and Viv a few times, which was a massive step in the right direction.

A Life We Never ExpectedWhere stories live. Discover now