Sexual Offenderman

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Offenderman pov

I stood in the corner of Moon's room watching her sleep it was so easy to sneak in her house and not wake anyone up I know I could have just teleported but let's be honest I'm lazy. I walked over to the edge of her bed and sat down and gently caressed her cheek with my hand I could take her right now it would be so easy but where's the fun in that so I decided to control myself for now and let this beautiful rose in front of me sleep there would be a time and a place for me to take her as mine but it's not now not yet.

I turn to leave when I heard a small wrestling sound outside the window so I go back to the corner I was standing in recently and watched to see who would climb in and to my surprise it was Masky. I stepped out of the shadows and looked down at the small boy and when he saw me he froze in place shaking a bit I of course couldn't help but laugh a little all of the pastas well except for my brothers were scared of me because they knew what I was capable of and I loved using that to my advantage when I needed to intimidate them. I stared down at him before whispering to him as to not wake up Moon"what the hell are you doing here Masky this is my target back off"I said the last part with a low growl and I could tell he was scared but he held his ground before whispering back"I'm sorry Offender I don't mean to interrupt your hunt but Slenderman wishes to see you"I groaned in annoyance and grabbed Masky before teleporting to the mansion I may not care for my older brother but I would not dare challenge him he and I have fought several times and due to him being a lot stronger than I am he's almost killed me several times so I've learned to just stay out of his way and come when he calls for me.Once we're inside the Mansion I put Masky down and head upstairs to my brother's office before knocking on the door and hearing a small come in coming from the other side so I open the door and walk inside to see my brother sitting at his desk with his hands folded in front of him. I walked to one of the other chairs in front of the desk and sat down and looked at him"alright dear brother what was so urgent that you had to take me away from something important"my brother said nothing before standing up and walking towards me I got a bit nervous since I know what he's capable of but I didn't dare show it as I heard his voice in my head"it has come to my attention that you have become interested in one particular human I must warn you offender what happened last time I will not save you if you get yourself into trouble again"I couldn't help but roll my non-existent eyes he always says that because he saved me from being killed by humans that I owe him something we might be siblings but that doesn't mean we have to owe each other favors"this won't be like the last time Slender this one's different I can't explain it but she is and that means you're proxies need to stay away from her along with the other pastas. My brother faced me when I said this as I once again heard his voice in my head" I will order my proxies to stay away from her but know this Offender I find your actions disgusting and a disgrace to our race and if I could I would have killed you a long time ago but I tolerate your existence because we are family"I couldn't help but growl at this he always thinks he's better than me because he was the oldest and he was our parents' favorite I always despised him for this but I've grown older and I know that it doesn't matter what I think anymore I just have to deal with what life throws me.I got up from the chair and started walking to the door I wasn't going to listen to this anymore my brother doesn't like what I do so what since when did I ever give a shit about what he thought he was just as bad as our father.I teleported out of the office and appeared back inside Moon's room she was still asleep good I could sit here all night and watch her I smiled to myself as images of her laying on the bed and screaming my name popped into my head and I couldn't stop myself as my urges started to come to the surface I stood up and quickly teleported out of the room and into a nearby alley luckily it was still pretty early in the night and the bars were all open so my chances of relieving my urges should be pretty high. I walked into a nightclub and went to the darkest corner of the room and started scanning the crowd for any potential victims and then I spotted a beautiful blonde haired woman talking to what appeared to be her friends I waited for a few minutes until they spotted me and started walking over I acted like I cared when she started talking about a bunch of random shit and after about 10 minutes of listening we both ended up leaving the bar together I led her to a dark alley and offered her any color rose that she wanted she of course not realizing what she was doing took her rose and an evil smirk crept across my face as I pulled her against my body and teleported to my mansion.

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