Part 51: Infuriate enemy territory

Start from the beginning

"Yeah and we're judging by that fight. She's ridiculously strong," Soyuz said as he got scared.

"Yeah. Which means we can't just try to run up to her and steal it since that will just cause trouble," you stated. "Not to mention, it's clear that she's aware of how valuable that beam is and when you have something valuable, you don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. So we have to steal it when she let's it go and I have a feeling there's only one moment when she lets it go."

Everyone but Senku was confused by what you meant until Gen thought about it. He got a nervous reaction as he came up with an answer.

"When she throws it to use it, you mean. Like when it's in the air," Gen said.

"That's our chance to strike," Senku said.

This made Gen worried as he didn't even know how you guys could do that. But right now, you guys had to tell Kohaku the plan. You guys were in two teams, the science team and the spy team. And the spy team's first job is to observe closely and when Kirisame is alone, lure her to a secluded spot. Then get her to throw her weapon and once they do that, the science team will nab it in the air and for that, you guys are making a drone.

"I'm not an expert on the topic but don't drones float perfectly blanched with no input from the user? We need a control system for that. Like one with circuitry and microchips," Gen said.

"You have a point Gen but do you really think Senku would have proposed this idea without a plane," you asked rhetorically.

"Then what is this plan," Gen asked.

"What we should focus on now is making a motor," Senku said.

Using a bracket, Senku was going to wrap some copper wire around iron. Then run electricity through it and you get an electromagnet. Now doing the same thing but with two magnets, they repel each other which causes them to spin around. And since it would take Senku all day if he did it by himself, you all got to help him make the electromagnets by wrapping wires hundreds of thousands of times. This manual labor brought tears to Gen's eyes as you sat in the lab. Due to the injury, Senku is keeping you from doing too much work until the wound heals.

You sighed as you leaned your head against the wall. You gently placed your hand on your stomach as honestly at that moment felt useless. While the others did their parts, you were just sitting there. While the others were doing what they could to save your friends, you had to sit down and wait for your dumb injury to heal. It frustrated you but you had to keep your cool since if you got too emotional, that'll put stress on your body which could open your injury. But all you could think about was your petrified friends. Taiju... Ryusui... Nikki... Yuzuriha... Chrome... Ukyo...


You were breathing heavily as you leaned down against one of the parole bars.

"I never thought this was gonna be so hard," you huffed.

"He-He. I don't think I've ever seen you this tired ever."

You turned your head to see Ukyo looking at you. You were a bit confused and was about to say something but your legs gave out and you nearly collapsed. But you managed to maintain your grip on the bar and kept yourselves from falling. Ukyo helps you stand and brings you to a chair and helps you sit down.

"Thanks," you said breathlessly.

"No problem," Ukyo said.

"So... Did you want to talk about something or did you just come to say hi," you asked.

"Yeah. I um, I did have something I wanted to talk to you about," Ukyo admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, what is it," you asked.

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