Part 50: Scars and beauty

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After what felt like another entirety compared to last time, he was finally done. Kohaku let go of you and you took the cloth out of your mouth. You breathed heavily as your body felt weak. You still had a few tears and you felt cold.

"Are you okay y/n," Suika asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine Suika," you reassured.

"Whoa, y/n-chan, you are really tough to go through that twice without any anesthetic," Gen said.

"Well if people before 1846 could do it then I sure as hell can too," you said.

"1846," Kohaku and Suika said in unison, confused.

"October 16, 1846 was when a dentist named William T. G. Morton administered an effective anesthetic to a surgical patient. So that was the start of anesthetic," you said.

"How do you know that," Gen asked.

"They taught that in school," you said nonchalantly.

"Plus it's an easy thing to remember," Senku said.

"I think only you two would know that," Gen sighed.

Senku ignored him as he knelt down and checked on you. He carefully holds you close to keep you warm since you guys had to wait for Amaryllis to bring some clothes along with the other things.

"So this beauty contest, do you think they'll still go through with it even after all of the chaos we caused," Kohaku asked.

"Perhaps you should work on your posture," Gen said as he looked at Kohaku sitting in a non-feminine while slouching.

"They will," Amaryllis said as she rowed up to you guys. "It'll take much more than that to stop Moz. He's not like Minster Ibara. He is confident, powerful, and does whatever he wants whenever he wants to. Which is normally going after cute girls."

"Sounds like a swell guy," you said sarcastically.

You guys then see the haul of tropical fruits Amaryllis brought. It was mainly coconuts, lemons and limes. But it was more than enough for you guys to make the beauty tools of science for Beauty Kohaku Makeover. Amaryllis hands you a (f/c) sleeveless-dress that goes just above your knees. You thanked her as Kohaku helped you put it on as Senku drew the roadmap for the stuff you guys need. After he was done drawing the roadmap, Suika is overwhelmed by all the steps. Not to mention you guys have to make all of it by midday.

"I guess it must take a whole lot of work to look cute, huh," Kohaku said.

"Well back in our, they did say that pain equals beauty and looking good ain't cheap and looking cheap ain't good," you said.

"This makeover is gonna be a mad dash to the end," Senku said. "A new hairstyle is a crucial component. To start, we'll let it down and see what we're working with."

Senku unties Kohaku's hair to get started but her hair ka-booms and whacks Senku in the face. Her hair was crazy and just a disaster so you guys had your work cut out for you guys. The first step in this beauty transformation was to clean up her hair which meant shampoo. By mixing coconut oil with salt, oil, sodium hydroxide and sulphuric acid. After the shampoo was made, Amaryllis washed Kohaku's hair and then Kohaku dried it with a fan that she moved fast to where it was a Kohaku powered hair dryer. You guys were hoping that her hair will be soft and smooth and silky like Ruri's but after Kohaku was done drying it, it was still the same as before, just cleaner.

So to fix this problem, some hair conditioner was in order. By mixing coconut oil, honey and lemon, you guys got your conditioner. After a quick wash with it, Kohaku's hair was looking soft and smooth and shiny.

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