chapter 2

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Sorry it's been a while I'm hating life rn so im trying to get through that. I know someone asked me for a doukaza skit on another story so sorry I couldn't get that done yet and keeping you waiting I'm trying to find the time where I can❤️‍🩹

Kokushibo pov

Douma seems off, was he actually sad that gyutaro and daki are dead? Hm..weird considering it always seems like he has no emotions when he shows them all the time. It feels wrong but I'll check on him..only because I was told to by nakime. I grabbed his wrist when I saw him walking "Are you alright?"

He looked at me like he saw something he shouldn't had..was this to much coming from someone like me? No. he simply smiled at cute..

"I'm alright." His smile was like no other, it was so warming and.. beautiful..cute.

he started to walk off again but I couldn't help it I had to say something again.. anything!

"I'm here if you ever need to talk." Was I being to soft with him? What happened to the useal Mr. No emotions guy and uppermoon 1? Why am I being all nice?

*He nodded and went back into his room*



I was practicing and training in my room, when suddenly I hear my name being called Muzan sama?

I turned around to see Muzan-sama looking at me

"kokushibo, I have a favor to ask you." His tone, never changes, always so cold yet...calm?

"What is this..favor you ask?"

"I need you to look after uppermoon 2 for me, make sure he stays on task and doesn't get distracted, I can't have any other one of my uppermoons dying"

He looked at him and bowed at him "Yes Muzan-sama"


I walk over to his room, he had a small window in the  door that said 'number 2' on it. I looked through it, I couldn't see douma in there..but what I did see was a girl that had similar features to him..does he have a sister that he gave his blood to? How weird

I might need to report this to Muzan-sama..Incase she is with the demon slayer core..I quickly made my way to Muzan-sama's office


"What is it uppermoon 1?"

"Does, douma have a sister?"

Cliff hangerrrr...not really but I'm really tired so yea

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