Chapter 4; Kanae's Return

Start from the beginning

Oh well, another idiotic time noted.


"Shinobu!" I ran, hugging Kanae at the airport. Mitsuri grinned and put her hands to her face, squealing.

"Kanae! Your back!"

"Kanae nodded. "I know exactly how to have everyone feel at home! We need to host a huuuuge party!" So Mitsuri vibes. And as I expected, Mitsuri was smiling along.

"But it's school! Shouldn't we-"

"Shinobu! Take a chill day for once! You need that!" Mitsuri looked at me with serious eyes.

"Is Shinobu in love with a boy Mitsuri?!" Oh no...

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Omg Kanae, she score a really big one! Giyu Tomioka, he's the top student on our class, Shinobu should be top, but whatever, anyway, we caught them making out-"

"Woah, woah woah. First of all, what gave you the idea that Tomioka and I were together? We aren't, for goodness sake! And second of all, we were not making out at all, nothing even close to that!" I said firmly. Geez.

"Whatever. Bring Giyu along so I can meet my further brother in law!"

"He's not your future brother in law!"

My gosh. This was going to be a disaster.


I didn't remember why my sister made me wear a tight, purple, sparkly dress, but I guess that's what I'm wearing.

"I got Giyu to come!" Mitsuri said excitedly. I groaned.

"Come on Shinobu! Stop being such a bore!" Mitsuri whined.

"Okay." I sighed. Kanae had rented a place out, and Mitsuri was spending every moment she could trying to wear an outfit.

"Mitsuri, we're going to a party! Something not so scandalous!" I shrieked when I saw the last one. "I liked the second one the best." I grumbled.

"Oh yeah! Sure!" Mitsuri said excitedly. Why was I in this mess?

Giyu Tomioka

Mitsuri said that there was a formal ball planned, where the schools top students would be there. I didn't get the email, but Mitsuri said that the email system was broken, and so I would just rely on her words.

Driving there, I was highly suspicious something odd was going on there. The instant I pulled up into the parking place, I knew this was not a ball. Music was blasting loudly.

"Giyu!" Uzui grabbed me and dragged me in. Obanai glared at me.

"You didn't think we would let you escape, did you?" Obanai asked, rolling his eyes irritatedly. "Sanemi and I were forced into this, don't think you're getting out of it."

I looked at my suit. "Okay?" I asked.

"Just take of the jacket and tie and leave it on your car dude. Not a biggie." Sanemi. He was the only survivor other than me...

"Shinobu's waiting for you." Uzui dragged me inside. There was a huge display of lights on the roof, and refreshments could probably last me weeks. I looked around...and I nearly choked on air. Shinobu usually wore loose clothes, so I didn't see her usual figure. If Shinobu had an hourglass frame, then insta models were doorframes.

"Oh! Is this Shinobu's boyfriend?" A purple eyed girl came over. Yup, Shinobu's sister.

"Yup!" Uzui said with enthusiasm.

"No!" I screamed at the same time. Obanai and Sanemi snickered in the corner.

"Tomioka, it's useless." Shinobu said dully. "I've been trying to convince them for the past hour and they won't believe anything else."

Wow. Did Shinobu have to deal with this all the time?

"Aaaaaaaanyways. I'm going to chit chat with some friends. Come on you buddies." He pointed at Obanai and Sanemi. Kanae grabbed Sanemi's hand and nodded at him. He blushed and followed her.

"I hate my sister." Shinobu muttered.

"Well, she must be very important or you wouldn't have gone to this party." I said.

"I wanna go on the balcony. The view's really pretty." Shinobu said, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the top level. Opening the doors, she was indeed right. I hadn't ever seen anything so pretty. New York really was something.

"Giyu...why are you so silent?" Shinobu asked. Then, something inside of me just...unhinged. I started talking, words tripping over themselves.

"When I was younger, there was a school shooting that killed every person in the building, except for Sanemi and I. I was sent to an extremely talented school, on full scholarship. I wasn't very rich. My family owned a small soy sauce shop. My best friend was supposed to go the this school, but he was killed along with the rest of the people...and the spot opened up to me. I didn't want to take it, after all, my dream was to become a doctor. But my parents wanted me to go. After all, I already got an opportunity like this. Getting into doctor school would be extremely hard, since I wasn't rich. My parents died in a car crash." I blinked, realizing I had been crying. Shinobu had tears in her eyes. I looked away. "Um...I'm sorry I mad you cry." I said blankly.

"I...didn't know that you had been through so much." Shinobu said quietly.

"I..." I never expected empathy...

"I overheard you talking to Kanao." I said, looking away in shame.

"You did?" She said ruefully. "I guess it's my turn for the sad backstory."

"My parents hated each other. Every moment was spent fighting. But my mom refused to leave him. Her family despised her, and our father was all she had. Dad took his anger on us. But Kanae was always oblivious to the tension. Dad and mom just couldn't stand to see her see them like this. So she was sent away. Dad cheated. Kanao is my stepsister. Mom was so mad, but dad cut open her eye. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Maybe healing people was what I liked, but my aunt stayed with us. I didn't know why. My aunt owned an apothecary shop and I worked there with her. Dad sent her away, taking away all her possessions because she was putting rubbish into my brain. My mom was so afraid for us. Dad had gone mad. I went to school early so I didn't have to put up with my parents. And I desperately studied so I could leave that place behind. The blood stains on the kitchen counter? Those were the ones we got because mom wasn't able to conceive a child and I walked in on dad attacking her. As punishment, he cut my wrist."

The scar. It gleamed along with her porcelain complexion.

"He would be so convincing too. Once I wanted a butterfly necklace. He told me he would get it if I worked extra hard. Mom spent time weeping, and I completed chores she should have done. I worked my fucking ass off, spending nights up to twelve to clean out the garage, and waking up as six to clean the floors. But you know what? He locked me in my room until I agreed I would call off the necklace deal. I agreed, after two days without food nor water."

"You know what? I'm afraid. Afraid to take chances and rely on people. Because they always stab you in the back." Her fingers clenched the balcony bars so tight that I swore dents appeared.

I hugged her.

"What are you doing?" Shinobu asked.

"Don't people hug when they're sad?" I asked.

She was quiet for a moment, sighed. "I guess we're both scarred doofuses, aren't we?"

I thought about it. "Scarred doofuses we are."

I'm so tired. I'm already excited for thanksgiving. What else should I say? I'm miserable? I don't wanna run cross country in 90 degree weather. If I sound like those people who are talented and like to exercise, believe me, I'm not. I'm not talented at anything.

The Prestigious School of Medicines (and Heartbreaks) *A Shinogiyuu book*Where stories live. Discover now