Part 1~

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It's no secret you loved avatar, it was your comfort movie and you had an obsession with it, so it was no surprise that as you, your friends and your boyfriend were watching tv that the news came on stating it was real

They all turned and looked at you as your eyes were wide and your mouth open. "Beyral?" Your boyfriend asked, "Are you alright?"

You didn't answer, instead you quickly got up and ran outside to your car ignoring your friend's desperate pleads for you to stay and be reasonable.

After making it to the place for avatar training, your friends and boyfriend showed up and reluctantly agreed to let you train but they had to join aswell to make sure you don't mess anything up, like you would come on.

During the next few months of training you got quite good, considering how well you knew the movies you knew how to be swift and agile. You even learned how to fluently speak Na'vi, your friends not so much but soon you all passed and were ready to go to Pandora.

You all said goodbye to your families as you would most likely never see them again, and as you board the space shuttle you wave goodbye once more crying. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you had to take it,no backing out.

The next six years are spent in cryosleep as you keep moving towards Pandora, you don't dream at all it's just a vast darkness in which your stuck in.

Soon you wake up to people talking saying "You've been in cyro sleep for six years, you will be weak, you will be hungry". As if on cue your stomach grumbles and you float your way to get some of the nasty space food.

Eventually you land and you, your friends and your boyfriend put on exomasks then started heading towards the lab area. Once in your directed to the avatar chamber where the lead scientist Laura shows you your avatars.

After that Laura says you guys can take your avatars for a test run but make sure to stay close, unfortunately that was a mistake.

"Bro are you serious? You fucking got us lost and now it's almost eclipse!" You yell at your friend Harry. "Girl calm down you've watched these movies how many times? I'm sure you can get us un lost" he chuckles nervously.

"Dude she's watched the movies yes but hasn't actually been here and it's huge! How do you expect her to find our way back?" Your other friend Candy shouts back at him.

"Guys chill ok let's retrace our st-" you don't get to finish your sentence as an arrow shoots from the trees and startles all of you. "Nah fuck yall, take the girls they have more meat on their bones!" Harry screams and runs off leaving us all behind.

You and candy look at eachother and scoff but your still afraid so you hide behind your boyfriend who's avatar is much more bigger than yours. "It's ok baby I'm here" he said as he stands protecting you and Candy.

Candy walks to stand beside him and shouts towards where the arrow came from "Get out here pussy and stop using your bullshit arrows to kill us!" Immediately afterwards another one shoots and she runs and hides behind me.

Looking up to the trees two glowing orbs are staring back at us before whatever it is jumps down. You all gasp in shock, and if you're correct it's Neteyam.

Rushing between him and your bf you greet him gesturing with you hand from your forehead while saying "Oel ngati kameie Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan."

Neteyam's eyes widen in shock watching this uniltìranyu greet him in the most respected way. He nods and looks over every one of you but his eyes always go back to you taking in your beautiful hazel eyes and your curves.

You slightly blush but his eyes narrow again, "leave" is all he says before taking off back into the forest. "Wait!" You shout before running off as Candy and your boyfriend follow.

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