That boy is a monster

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(I'm listening to monster by lady gaga rn hence the title)

"¿Te quieres?"
I look the afro-latino up and down before pretending to take something out of my back pocket.
"I should've told you this before but..."

"I'm actually an undercover cop. Put your hands up!" I yell, pretending to pull out a police badge. The guy looks genuinely freaked out for a second before I burst out laughing, I grab his wrist and drag him inside the apartment. We sit on the fire escape outside my bedroom. Our legs dangling down underneath the railing.

"I can't believe you fell for that" I laugh, coughing a little as i smoke the marijuana. He rolls his eyes at me.
"Only for like a sec" He defends himself, shoving me with his elbow.
"Forreal though... don't flash that shit like it's your dick" I giggle
"Note taken, Officer Hopps" He jokes as he opens his phone, clicking on snap stories.
"Wait are you down bad for Judy Hopps" I joke as I begin to laugh at the boy, Miles looks up from his phone to me. "That's an awful thing to presume you freak" He insults me "If I was I wouldn't be calling you that..." He trails off.
"Okay..." I reply, the conversation then turns into a sweet silence for a moment until Miles' phone chimes.

"Ah shit I gotta go" Miles announces as he stands up, using his left hand as support as he pushes his body up. Dusting his ass off from the dirt on the floor before holding out his hand for me to stand up.
"How come?"
"My uncle wants me to do sum wit him" He replies, not mentioning any details.
"What your uncle deals?" I joke, resulting in a glare from the dark skinned boy next to me.
"Nah you crazy" He laughs at me as we hop down from the windowsill to the floor of my bedroom.
"This was fun, Aleida." He says "Text me and we'll do this again"
"What smoking weed on a dirty fire escape with a girl you've known for what two days?" I laugh at his low standards as he kisses his teeth.
"Okay forget I ever said anything then" He says sarcastically as he holds his hands up in surrender.
"I'm joking, I had fun too" I tell him, I lead him to the front door to see ma sat on the couch watching the news.

"The Prowler has been spotted swinging around the skyscrapers of New York City. Stealing medicine"

I shush Miles as we creep towards the front door on our tiptoes. I open the front door and he exits the apartment, he salutes me jokingly before sprinting down the hall to his apartment. I shut the door, turning around and resting my back against the door to see ma right in front of me. Arms folded and a cross look on her face.

"YOU SNUCK A BOY IN HERE?!" She yelled at me before cursing under her breath in Spanish.
"Mierda... What were you thinking? Did you two have sex?! Do I have to raise un niñito in this apartment as well as an unruly daughter and be called abuela cuando solo tengo 34 años?!" Gesturing a small size with her hands as she shook her head.

"Ma stop! We just hung out. Nothing like that happened!" I reassure her as she waved her hand in my face before flicking my forehead.

"Never. And I mean NEVER! Have a boy over without telling me!" She demands as I just nod. The small woman just lights a cigarette before standing on the balcony. Taking a deep breath.
"Mija come here" I follow her order as she rests her elbow on the railing.
"I just don't-"
"Don't want me making the same mistakes you did? I know our age difference ma, it's not gonna happen" I tell her calmly
"I know I know..." She trails off "I just worry, you know what your dad did. I don't want the same thing for you" She frowns, leaning her head on my right shoulder as she exhales slowly.
"Ma don't worry. I won't do anything like that" I reassure her once again,
"Ay I love you mija" She turns to me and smiles. Snuggling into my shoulder as we hug.
"But if you end up pregnant you don't get the kind little Carmen you know." I snort a little at her self confidence.
"Okay ma" I say as I lean my head on top of hers.
"Okay now get your ass to bed it's late" She tells me as I nod my head and go to my room, putting my headphones on and listening to cigs after sex to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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