"How are you and Ginny...coping? With the distance and all?" Asked Ron.

"Honestly? We're fine. I miss her already and will do for a long time, but we're going to write to each other and I'll see her at Christmas. Plus I'll be keeping myself busy a lot of the time." He said.

"Really?" Asked Ron in disbelief.

"Yeah. What about you and Hermione?" He asked.

"Ugh don't. We just don't seem to agree on anything, especially this and she's just upset all the time and I thought us dating was what was always meant to happen and when we did it'd be like we were destined to be together and it'd be a breeze but it's like we're just total opposites and it feels like any day now we're not going to make it. I'm scared she'll meet someone else and be happier with him." He said.

"You've just got to trust her, Ron. It's never been more important. Even after everything we've been through."

Meanwhile, Hermione and Ginny were sitting together on the train.

"How's things with you and Ron?" Asked Ginny.

"Absolutely awful. He has been a total arse about me coming back to Hogwarts. It's not easy but Fred said it'll work itself out if it's meant to be. He's good with advice like that." She smiled to herself.

"Oh yeah and what else did Fred say?" Asked Ginny, raising an eyebrow.

"That I should follow my heart and I'm strong enough to make the decision on my own. He said I'm brilliant and if me and Ron are meant to be, it'll work out and some space might do us some good." She said, smiling to herself.

Hermione told Ginny about Celine and how Ron had stared when she took off her top.

"Ron did what?" Ginny asked in disbelief.

"Another thing Fred said was that I should remember I'm always enough and I'm not plain or dull and it's admirable that I'm brave enough to follow my dreams and I'm..." she trailed off.

"You're what, Hermione?" Asked Ginny.

"He said that I'm beautiful and anybody who doesn't see that is blind." She said.

Ginny was speechless.

After a second she said. "Fred's not usually that nice to people. You must be pretty special, Hermione."

"Yeah he's a really great friend and I'm happy we're closer. He said he won't see Celine anymore if it's a problem for me and Ron. I never knew he could be so kind." She smiled.

"Neither did I." Shrugged Ginny.

"That's the thing with Fred. It's like he has a lot of layers. He's this funny idiot that can brighten up any room but if you see underneath all that, he's so gentle and understanding and sweet."

"Sounds like you really care about each other." Said Ginny.

"Yeah, I'm happy I have him." Hermione said.


Fred and George both got home earlier than usual that night. They walked into the living room to find Ron lying on the couch.

The twins looked at each other.

"Tag, you're it." Said George, pushing his twin towards the sofa where Ron was lying and then running upstairs.

"Hey Ron, what's wrong, mate? Missing Hermione?" He asked.

"I'm worried about her." He said. "I'm worried she'll be emotional or sad or depressed or anxious and there's nothing I can do about it. What if she meets someone else?"

"Well I have some news for you, brother that might just reassure you." He said with a smile.

"George and I have decided to buy Zonko's. Business is a little slow now people are going back to school, so we're opening a shop in hogsmeade." He said.

"We'll switch occasionally, George will mainly be based in Diagon alley because Angelina's moving in with him above the joke shop and I'll be going to hogsmeade to live above Zonko's."

"Haven't your products been banned at hogwarts?" Ron asked.

"Do you think that's going to stop us? We're finding new and interesting ways to smuggle our products into Hogwarts." Fred said, mischievously. "Anyway. I'll be there to keep an eye on her for you, Ronnie and you're welcome to stay at mine whenever you want."

"Thanks, Fred." He said.

"No problem, little brother, let's say you owe me one." Fred winked.



"You and Hermione...you're just...friends, right?"  Ron said.

"Yeah, yeah of course. Why'd you ask?" Fred asked, awkwardly.

"Nah it's probably just me but sometimes you two seem a little...close. And I sometimes see you sort of...admiring her and you both talk about each other a lot."

"I just appreciate her as a friend, Ron. There's nothing else there. We've been talking a bit these past few months because obviously she's worried about leaving you and I've got...stuff too."

"What stuff, Fred?"

"There's nothing to worry about, Ron."

"If you say so." Ron muttered under his breath.

The thing that makes me smile the most - A Fremione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now