Chapter 3 - My Number.

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The rest of lunch seemed to drag on forever - Elliot flirting with Imogen and Imogen flirting back.

I don't know why, but it was almost painful to watch. Their flirting was awful, yes, but I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous and uncomfortable. Why did I introduce them?

The bell finally rang and I hopped off the table and started making my way to form when I felt a hand land on my shoulder.

"Why the rush, princess?" I could hear his smirk before I turned around. "I'm cold. I want to get inside." I said dismissively. "It's September." "So? I'm cold!" I pulled out of his grasp and continued walking.

He caught up with me in no time. "What now?" I asked him. "I want to know what's up." He said. I sighed. "I'm cold. I already told you."

"Yeah but I don't think that's it, love." That's new. "See, you were fine with me in maths and at the start of lunch, did I say something to actually upset you?" He asked me.

"No! I already told you I'm cold. That's it. Now leave it." I exclaimed. I sped up my pace and breathed a breath of relief when I got inside.

I didn't let myself enjoy it for long. Why does Elliot flirt with everyone? Is it his way of making friends? Or does it actually mean something?

He didn't give Imogen a nickname, which gave me a glimmer of hope. I reached B25 and saw Charlie was the only one on my table.

Fucking fantastic!

I reluctantly walked over, knowing I'm going to be sat in awkward silence until someone else arrives, unless I get him to talk to me while there's no one else to use as a distraction.

I sat myself down and put my bag on the floor next to my chair. "Charlie. Can we please talk?" He looked shocked the second I said his name.

He sighed. "What's up." "Why do you hate me for what my brother did to you? It's not like it's my fault." I cut straight to the point.

"I don't. I avoid you because I don't want to give Harry another reason to pick on me." Ouch. "Not that he would pick on me for being with you, it'll give him another reason to speak to me." He explained.

"Harry doesn't decide who I'm friends with. And he doesn't decide who gets bullied." I said to him. "I can't promise he won't pick on you again, but I will promise that I'll always do everything I can to make him stop." I said to him.

"Thank you." He smiled lightly. I nodded, giving him a quick smile in return. "Are we okay again now?" I asked him. He nodded. "I guess so." He giggled.

"What are we laughing about?" Nick sat down. "Charlie and I made up." I said to him. Charlie nodded, signalling that was enough to say to Nick.

"What did you fight about?" Nick asked him. "Just some stupid things." Charlie said. "None of it really matters anyway now." He smiled at me again.

I nodded, agreeing with him just as Elliot sat down, making everyone on our table go quiet. He opened his mouth to speak to me, but I looked away.

Nick gave me a concerned look, silently asking if I was alright. I nodded, trying to keep him from asking questions.

"You seem to be getting a kick out of ignoring me, princess." Elliot smirked. I sighed. "If you stopped talking I'd enjoy it even more."

He raised his hands in surrender. "Fine. When you want to tell me what's up so I can go back to annoying you, let me know." He pulled out his phone and grabbed my hand.

"Fuck o-" "it's just my number, princess. Calm down." He smirked as he scribbled the numbers onto the back of my hand and along my arm.

I pulled my hand away when he was done and I couldn't help but blush. And I hated myself for it.

Charlie gave me a look and I know he knew something was going on. I gave him a dismissive look in return, hoping he wouldn't mention it in future.

"I'm never gonna call you and you know that." I said. He smirked. "You may surprise me."

I groaned. "I have Geography next by the way." He continued on like he hasn't just given me his number.

There's no way I'm letting him come to my house tonight. Why did I even consider it? Probably to annoy Harry, knowing me.


"Room G14." He continued. "Cool." I said. "Are you gonna help me find it or should I ask Imogen?" He smirked. He knows he hit a nerve.

"I'm not breaking my back trying to get you to your lessons on time anymore. Find it yourself." I shot back. He flinched a little, and I could tell he wasn't expecting that. Judging by Nick's reaction too, neither was he.

As soon as tutor ended, I sped walked out of the door and to the nearest bathroom. I went straight to the sink and scrubbed his number off my arm.

"I hate men." I murmured.

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