12 years later

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Voldemort and Bellatrix were on a mission to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic and steal a prophecy that concerned their children. They had left their quadruplets in the care of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, who were their trusted allies and relatives.

It had been 12 years since the quadruplets were born, and they had grown into powerful and cunning young wizards and witches. They had enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where they had been sorted into Slytherin House, much to their parents' pride and delight.

Everyone at Hogwarts knew not to mess with them, for they were the children of the Dark Lord and his most loyal servant. They were feared and respected by their peers, envied and hated by their enemies, and admired and followed by their friends.

They mostly hung out with their older cousin, Draco Malfoy, who was also a Slytherin and a Death Eater in training. He was their mentor and protector, teaching them the ways of the dark arts and the pure-blood ideology.

They also had a special bond with Severus Snape, the Potions Master and the Head of Slytherin House. He was their guardian and confidant, watching them carefully and helping them discreetly. He had sworn an unbreakable vow to protect them, as well as Draco, at Bellatrix's insistence. He had also promised Voldemort to keep an eye on them, as well as Harry Potter, the boy who lived.

Snape loved the quadruplets as if they were his own children. He saw in them the traits of his former friends and foes, as well as his own. He saw in Matteo the ambition and intelligence of Voldemort, as well as the bravery and leadership of James Potter. He saw in Delphini the cunning and charm of Bellatrix, as well as the kindness and loyalty of Lily Evans. He saw in Aliana the pride and grace of Narcissa, as well as the wit and creativity of Hermione Granger. He saw in Mandy the mystery and surprise of Luna, as well as the humor and courage of Ron Weasley.

He was proud of their achievements and talents, but he was also worried about their future and fate. He knew they were destined for greatness, but he also knew they were destined for danger. He hoped they would survive the war that was coming, and he hoped they would choose the right side.

He hoped they would be happy.

He hoped they would be free.

He hoped they would be loved.

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