1: School's Out Forever

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"Azuki, Hiroto," the teacher called, "Kota. You three will be Team One, your sensei will be Raiko. You're dismissed. He'll be waiting for you in training field three."

The trio met in the hallway after they left the classroom, Hiroto, a purple haired boy, was the first the first to speak, "Raiko?" He asked, "We've been assigned to your dad's team?"

"Yeah," Azuki, an orange haired and green eyed girl sighed, "this won't be easy."

"He adopted you right," Kota, a boy with green hair and yellow eyes said, "how'd that even happen?"

Azuki just sighed at that question and brushed back her long hair with her fingers before walking away from the two boys.

"Why'd you go and ask her that?" Hiroto asked, glaring at Kota.

"I just wanted to know." Kota responded with a sigh before following after Azuki.

Once they had left the academy the trio made their way to the training ground, where they saw a man with shoulder length spiked blonde hair and sapphire eyes leaning against a tree while he looked through a folder filled with papers.

"Azuki, middle of the class, aced every single test, could have been top of your class, if you actually put in any effort," Raiko said, glancing up at them, "Hiroto, top of the class, you worked hard to get there too. And Kota, bottom of the barrel, lowest scores out of anyone in your class, not particularly good at anything. Did I get all of that right?"

"Yeah," Azuki said, watching him put away the folder.

"Well then," Raiko said with a grin, "since I only had papers and reports to work with until now, how about I get to know you three?"

"You're Raiko, right?" Hiroto asked.

"That's right, and I'm guessing that two of you have no idea who I am. So since there's really no better way to get to know someone than fighting them, we really should start there."

"Fight?" Kota said, sounding a bit shaken by Raiko's words.

"Here's how this is going to work," Raiko said, looking at the green haired boy, "you're going to attack me with the intent to kill me, I won't be holding back against you since there are three of you, so do your best."

The first to charge him was Hiroto, who before he could comprehend what had happened, found himself laying in the grass. He had only felt Raiko grab and throw him when he got too close.

"What the-" Hiroto said, sitting up.

"I didn't say go," Raiko sighed, "Go." with that Raiko disappeared and reappeared behind Kota, who instantly turned to face him and threw a weak punch that Raiko simply blocked before twisting Kota's arm behind his back.

Hiroto and Azuki jumped in, swinging at Raiko, who used Kota as a human shield for the first few punches before throwing him at Hiroto, causing the purple haired boy to fall under his green haired teammate. Despite the other two's efforts, Azuki was the only one to almost land a successful hit on Raiko,  though he blocked or dodged every single punch of kick she threw before grabbing her and throwing her on top of Kota and Hiroto.

Once the trio had been downed, he walked over to them as they scrambled to pick themselves up, "I said with the intent to kill me," He sighed, "either take this seriously or I'll send you back to the academy. You have an hour to track me down, or this is over."

He simply took a few steps away from them, and as Hiroto threw a punch at the back of his head, Raiko disappeared.

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