S4xE2: Brawl in the Hall

Start from the beginning

"It might be a wrong." Dylan stated in a hushed tone, having the same thoughts as Charlotte.

"And why do you have those?" Charlotte pointed to the two protrusions sticking out from the cardigan.

"Oh, I think these are built into the sweater." Jasper stated nonchalantly.

"You think?" Henry sarcastically asked and Jasper just shrugged his shoulders.

Piper came storming into the school not long after, saving everyone from the awkward silence that was about to occur.

"Hey! Will you guys hurry up?" She shouted to the group of friends, "I'm parked in a handicapped spot!"

"You're not supposed to do that!" Henry told his sister.

"I'm also not 'supposed' to have a driver's license, but I do! Now let's go!"

"Okay, just a sec."

Piper finally noticed Jasper's state, giving him an odd look at the sight of the sweater. "Yeah, okay."

"Oh hey, guess who was in detention with me?" Jasper asked his friends just as they were about all start leaving.

"We don't care." Charlotte responded, wanting to get to work already.

"Byshelle Bilsky." Jasper told the others anyways.

"No way, Bysh?" Henry couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I thought Bysh was in jail!" Charlotte commented.

"They let her out!" Jasper stated.

"Who's Bysh Bilsky?" Dylan asked, not knowing who the others were talking about.

"A girl with a bad attitude." Henry told his boyfriend.

"Yeah, she's crazy." Jasper further explained.

"She's Mitch's sister." Charlotte's sentence made Dylan's blood run cold, the mere mention of Mitch Bilsky always made him feel disgusting.

"Hey, remember in the fifth grade when Bysh put a scorpion in Miss. Shapen's purse?" Henry reminisced to his friends who knew her.

"Yeah," Charlotte remembered it well because of how funny it was, "and then she reached inside, and the scorpion bit her, and then she yelled 'Ahh! Bysh! Bysh! What did you do?'" The others started laughing at the story, them all remembering it, Dylan laughing at Miss. Shapen being bit by a scorpion, and Piper laughing because someone go hurt.

"Oh really?" A voice shouted from behind them. They all turned around to find Bysh Bilsky, who apparently came in at the end of their conversation. "You think I don't got ears?"

"Oh, hey Bysh." Henry tried to lighten the mood but it didn't work. Instead he got scolded.

"You shut up!" Bysh pointed a finger in Henry's face.

"Alright." Henry rushed to Dylan's side, hopefully now protected.

"I was talking to that!" Bysh approached Charlotte and pointed a finger at her now. "I heard you say my name, and then laugh it up."

"Oh," Charlotte was a little scared to be talking to her, Bysh having gone to jail and all, "I was just saying how funny it was when you—" Bysh interrupted Charlotte, not allowing her to continue with her explanation.

"Oh you think I'm funny? Is that it? Do you find me hilarious?"

"No, no, no." Charlotte rushed out but Bysh wasn't having it.

"Oh what, you think I got no sense of humor?"

"Okay ladies, listen," Henry removed himself from Dylan's side and approached Bysh again, "I think there's been a little bit of a misunderstanding—" Bysh spit in Henry's face in response, causing him to become livid. "Okay, that's it!"

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