Bypass Definitions!

173 3 2

Some rn!

Action words:("marked" + "bumped" + "entered" + "sped up" + "increase pace" + "whispering" + "rubbing" + "pounding" + "thrust" + "pressing lower" + "body against" + "climax" + "peak of pleasure" + "edge" + "caressed" + "stroke" + "knelt down" + "working" on" + "satisfying" + "pleasing" +"filling her" + "feeling him" + "cheating up" +"twitch" + "shaking" + "arching back" + "shivers" + "bouncing" + "throbbing" + "drooling" + "riding" + "rising" + "shoved" + "moved even" + "further" +"pushed" + "caressed with" + "her tongue" + "whimpering" + "begging" + "whining" + "heavily" + "breathing" + "+" + "muffled moan" + "moved his" + "placed his" + "connecting their" + "Lower' bodies" + "intimate area")


To express feelings:("excited" + "amused" + "flustered" + "embarrassed" + "lewd" + "smugly" "smutley" + "indecent" + "shyly" + "lustfully" + "intensely" + "desperate" + "pleasure" + "sensitive" + "desire" + "lust" + "sensually" + "seductively" + "passionate" + "intimate" + "carouse" + "submissively" + "pervertedly" + "gently")


Cues:("low entry" + "inner walls" + "chest" + "sensitive area" + "juices" + "wet" + "lower body" +
"womanhood" + "bump" + "bulge" + "hard/ sensitive" + "spread" + "lower lips"

Ain't a Guarantee that this will always work! Also paste this in the Definition:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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