Chapter One

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By the time Harry was five he read it half of the books in the potter library. And he studied up to second year spells and potions for Hogwarts. He was able to do some simple spells and potions for Hogwarts. He was able to do some simple spells wordless and wandless.

His parents moved them into the sixth biggest room because his brother need there different room for his toys and clothes. He asked his parents why do need my room for and why can he use him own room.

His parents even stopped to bite them down for mails with them and whenever he went down he saw that they have already eaten about him. But a house else name tinky always made sure he had something to eat.

Harry was in the library reading a book but before he realized he's two godfathers was it their. Harry asked them why did they come up to the library. Because your parents were being annoying though how Charlie was the Boy Who Lived and that he deserves everything in the world.

Remus and Serious were sitting down in the library with Harry. Reading their own book and talking to Harry. Are you looking forward to your birthday tomorrow your turn in six years old. Harry's said I am kind of looking forward to it.

Serious and Remus start to talk to Harry and told him some good news. Me and Remus were wondering for a while would you like us to blood adopt you so you won't have to live here with them any more.

Harry was in shocked after they were done talking to him about it. He always taught no one would take him cuss no one ever showed in love but those two. How long will you plan in this for. Serious answered him for the last five months.

About Harry, Remus and Serious knowing that Charlie was listening in conversation. And found out what they were planning so he runs downstairs and told his parents about it. Lily broke down in tears when she heard the plan that they came up with. She broke down because she didn't think her friend would go behind her back. After the calm down their stormed up to the library, wanted to have a talk with them and asked they would you actually like to take him in. Serious answer Lily's question of course him in we would love to take him in there if you wouldn't mind we wanted to adopt him since last couple mother so if you wouldn't mind and change his name. When Lily and James got to answer they were happy with it because they know that they could give him a better life than they could.

After the conversation with potter they left to the bank to do the blood adoption. When arrived at the bank they went straight up to a goblin called gripock and they talk to him gripock about get a inheritance test and their blood adoption done for Harry James Potter. After the talk they went to the back of the back and the test done now he's known as Adrian Serious Lupin Black. After blood adoption they took the inheritance test.

Inheritance test

Real Family

Name: Harry James Potter

Mother: Lily Potter Evans

Father: James Potter

Siblings: Charlie Potter

Godfather: Remus and Serious

Godmother: None

Creature inheritance: None

Mate: None

Blood adoption family

Name: Adrian Serious Lupin Black

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