Part 2 : Party

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 "Oh shit we're twenty minutes late y/n!" Fae shrieked looking at her phone.

I quickly got into her black and dark purple themed convertible and turned on dance music. "Then we better get there a little partied out already." I said smirking and reaching into my purse taking out a bottle of vodka. We both smirked. We always drank before the party, just to start off the fun ourselves first. "Oh hell yeah." Fae said taking the bottle from me and driving faster down the road, my hair flowing behind my as I danced to the music in my seat.

We arrived at the party and a guy with black spiked up hair greeted us. "Welcome welcome to only the best pool party you'll be at." He said sarcastically. I chuckled. "Thank you" I said walking in with Fae. "Aren't you that racer that smashed my brother into that wall?" The guy asked me. "Oh! Youre his brother?!" I said shocked, but to be honest I could see it now they had the same perfect fucking nose. Fae laughed with the vodka still open in her hands.

 "Uh yeaahaaa thats Bill! The singer of Tokio Hotel, the one I'm seeing stupid!" She said. "THATS HIM?" I said my mouth hanging open. Bill laughed, snaking his arms around Faes waist. I glared at him jokingly. "Watch it mister she's also mine." He put his hands up in defense. "Yes ma'am!" Fae burst out laughing. "Guys stooop this isnt like you!" She joked.

"Aw, guess I don't have a chance do I?" Someone said from behind me, Tom. I turned around. "Heartthrob! Oh how I missed you." I said jokingly. Bill laughed. "Heartthrob is that what they're calling him? Even on a fucking race track?" "How is he a heartthrob, he's just a flirt!" I said laughing. 

Tom pouted jokingly. "Aww so I don't have a chance with the queen of the track?" He said. "Queen of the track?" Bill asked. "Shes only won about more than a dozen of trophies and awards." Tom shrugged jokingly. I blushed, no one had ever really cared about how good I was at racing, let alone how many accomplishments I've reached. It was usually always about me being 'a pretty girl who drives' or 'a good image' for racing. I've always been told I'd look better on the billboards not the track with my stylish outfits and chic cars. Maybe this heartthrob was a pretty good guy.

Basically like ten minutes later

"Fuck!" I said grabbing another cup from the table. How the fuck did I end up playing beer pong against Fae? And why was she WINNING? I threw my ping pong ball into a cup on her side and the crowd watching cheered. Fae took the cup and chugged it. "Theres only one cup on Y/ns side!" Bill shouted. Fae smirked and threw her last ping pong ball right into the last cup. I groaned and chugged the last cup. The crowd cheered and congratulated Fae.

"Not so good at drinking games huh?" Tom said approaching me smirking. "That was just a fluke" I say sarcastically smiling. "Uh huh" Tom replies, moving his lip piercing with his tongue. Fae walks over to me and passes me a bottle of vodka. "They gave me this but I think I've had enough to drink" Fae says smiling. I take the bottle and immediately chug it, Tom looks at me and widens his eyes. "Straight vodka? Just like that?" He chuckles. "Hell yeah! Lets dance heart throb!" I say taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor.

We dance to the music and I immediately start feeling eyes on me. I turn my head and spot. Oh hell no. Brandon. Staring at me, angrily? I wink at him and turn back to Tom, away from Brandon. "Who's that guy?" Tom says smirking down at me. "My annoying ex, he's practically everywhere I am. He's totally following me!" I say. "He's totes following you!" Tom mocks. I laugh and he pulls me closer with his hands on my hips guiding them to the beat of the music. "He's totally annoyed now." Tom smirked looking at Brandon. I turn my head back to see Brandon, approaching us. 

"Y/n who's this guy?" Brandon practically snarls. I laugh at him. "He's Toooommm, my super hot boyfriend." I say jokingly pulling Tom closer. Tom smirks. "Yeah and she's my totally hot race car driving girlfrienddd." He says. Brandon pulls my from him by my wrist. "Y/n what the fuck." He says angry. "What, Do you own me?" I say pulling my wrists away from his grip, he knew I was stronger than him. If he tries to pull me away I'll knock him off of his fucking feet. He looks me up and down. "And what are you wearing??" He asks totally ignoring my previous question. "Um a cute ass outfit? Do we have a problem here?" I say back. "Listen Y/n I'm sorry about what happened with Chel—" I cut him off. "You're only sorry cause she's all up on some other man" I snickered pointing to Chelseas dumbass grinding on some guy. Brandon turned to her direction and stormed off to her.

I turned to Tom, we both instantly broke into laughter. "What are you wearing!" Tom mocked. "Y-y/n what the FUCK!!" I said almost falling over from laughing so hard. Fae ran up to us "Tell me I didn't just see Brandon get HUMILIATED" She yelled. "Yes, you did!" I said still laughing. Me Tom Fae and eventually Bill with two of the other band mates Gustav and Georg ended off the night dancing. And of course me and Fae got so drunk out of our minds that Bill drove us home.

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