68: Arina Joins Class 3-E

Start from the beginning

It was evident, that Arina was undergoing a tremendous trust issue. Many times she accidentally triggered unintentional heart attacks at this age and couldn't have gone to the hospital to treat it.

The Orlas government contacted and demanded chairman Asano transfer Arina Avenira to class 3-E. Without the hush money from Arina's side, this man was now receiving a new hush money source from his own nation. Ha, ha, what a wonderful position to be in. His school was the main show from the beginning.

Fighting her depression, the miserable, hopeless child woke up at 3 a.m. to walk to class E building at 5 a.m. so she could avoid any mortal's witness. It had been a while since she left her house, her safe place within her imagination and came out to reality.

"Have a very lovely day, Disha," Arina kissed her reflection and said. "I will bring you wildflowers on the way home. Do you reckon there will be wild roses?"

There weren't any wild roses, but the girl found herself dumbstruck by the pure white petals of the bloomed cherry blossoms of March breeze. Detaching and riding the air, swirling in the motion it led. Many came to land on her shoulders, nose, white-blonde head. She gently clasped her hands and upheaved her hungry vision and greedily took every bit of its beauty in. This poor child was salvaged from the depth of despair, once again her spirit was uplifted. Oh, wasn't reality just beautiful? wasn't it just lovely? Wasn't it lovely to be alive? Her agonies meant nothing compared to this single moment of pure happiness. Please don't take it away from her. She can't ever imagine living in a world without cherry trees.

The path to class 3-E painted before her eyes was also a thing of beauty. And hello there, Red Cedar tree friends. How have you been? Such practical things as time had faded in Arina's own bubbly world. Girly was so strong when she was submerged in all the loveliness the world provided her. What pain and betrayal had caused her was nothing to the remnant of Earth's beauty, she waved hello to the ant and bee workers, kissed the wind, braided a floral wreath of spring beauties and daisies and sat it on her head, welcoming sweet butterflies. Fancy! From smiling, the child giggled and laughed out of pure joy. Joyful tears, too, spewed from her mellowed eyes. Not minding her uniform she threw herself on the grass and drew a deep breath of relief. There were ever so many scopes of imagination.

"DEAR WORLD!" she declared at last, determinedly shooting to her feet and exclaiming with such a voice that the whole world could hear her. "I SHALL RESCUE YOU AT BEST! NOTHING CAN EVER STOP ME FROM MY LOVE FOR YOU!"

But later upon meeting the bizarre creature face-to-face, Arina instantly swayed on her feet from PTSD flashback of the last-time encounter and lost her balance and fell backward for three seconds before her disturbed soul frantically gathered herself back up and abruptly fled out of the classroom for her life.

"Nyu?" the octopus creature was dumbstruck at such reaction.

"Koro-sensei, it can't be denied that your bizarre appearance could scare someone to a stroke..." said Nagisa, sweatdropping.

Finding and reaching the bathroom right before everything would have spewed out, in Arina's head she finally understood how uncomfortable it was for Akeboshi to vomit every hour.

"Blechhhhhhhh," ducking her head in the toilet this girl thought she was about to die from vomiting alone.

'Run, Arina, run,' her inner voice called. 'Run, run away.' After that she dragged herself to the sink to splash water on her face and quickly headed out flighting when she bumped straight into that peculiar gigantic yellow figure she faced earlier, bouncing back a few paces and dropping dead on the bathroom floor.

"NYU YAA!!" Koro-sensei freaked out, holding the blacked-out child in his tentacles and lightly tapping her cheeks with them. The panic was overwhelming for her. She would never have imagined it would be this bad when facing this type of eerie experiment again.

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