As I closed her door, her gaze lingered on me a little more than I expected it too.

"Stop it you're making me blush" I said as I walked towards her, not fully closing the gap between us.

"You look, you look very good." Katie stuttered. "beautiful" she whispered under her breath. I took one step closer but me being me, I tripped over my own feet and landed straight into Katie.

*Katie's POV*

The second she had walked into my room; my emotions flew all over the place. She was definitely not drunk, but you could tell she has had alcohol with the amount of confidence she had in her. I swear she had only been downstairs for a second.

She walked over to me and tripped which caused me to put my hands around her and hold her up, my hands on her waist. There was no gap between us anymore. She looked me up and down, many times. Was she thinking what I was?

I looked at her as she looked at me, neither one of us speaking. I really wanted to kiss her. I really did. I was going to.

Until Caitlin knocked on my door.

Amelia jumped away and opened the door to see Caitlin. "Hey Caits!!!" she spoke. "I was just leaving! I'll see you downstairs Katie!". And with that, she left my room and left me with my emotions.

"What was that?" Caitlin questioned.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know..." I sighed. Caitlin motioned me to keep speaking. "She came in my room, and I told her she looked beautiful, because she did, she does. And she tried walking over to me but tripped so I held her up. She's definitely tipsy. I just held her looking at her, and she kept looking at me, my lips, my eyes. I was so close to kissing her. We had a moment, Cait. Then you came and she pretended nothing happened. I don't know what happened. Surely it wasn't just nothing."

*Natalya's POV*

I was downstairs talking to Steph while I was waiting for Alessia to come, until Ami came running down.

"I need to talk to you Nat, both of you actually. Steph you need to help me too" she grabbed us and pulled us outside onto the grass and made us sit down; however, she was pacing back and forth.

Steph spoke "Amelia just tells us" As she chuckled.

"I nearly kissed Katie. It's my second night and I nearly kissed her what on earth am I doing? This is not right, she just split up with Ruesha and here I am trying to kiss her. What is going on? What am I doing?" Ami spoke until she was out of breath.

Me and Steph had very different reactions.

"It was bound to happen Ami; you both had that chemistry from the second she called us while we were still in Australia. You can't blame yourself." I spoke, trying to calm her down.

"No. Amelia. It's your second night, you work on our team now, you can't just jump into it. If you truly want to be with her, then take it slow. Yes, she was with Ruesha, but they split up a year or two ago, just didn't come out about it till this year. But still, it's very quick to kiss her Ami. You only met her yesterday. Just take it slow." Steph stated. "The same to you with Alessia, Natalya. Take it slow. She's very new to the Arsenal Team so don't jump in straight away. Got it girls?"

Steph is like our mum.

Steph took us both inside to go 'mingle' with more people. The first person I laid my eyes on was Alessia, she looked so beautiful, and as I was about to walk over to her, and Ami was about to walk over to Katie, Steph pulled us back.

"Girls, not tonight. Go see other people." She sternly stated.

" She sternly stated

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(Alessia's outfit)

I walked over to the table where all the alcohol is, and I made myself a vodka and coke and chugged it.

I saw Ami with Beth and Viv and I walked over to Lia Wälti and Kim Little and started talking to them, but I could see Alessia looking at me out the corner of my eye, but I could also see Steph death staring me.

Oh, fuck it.

I walked over to Alessi and grabbed her arm and pulled her outside. We sat down on the grass next to each other and just looked at each other.

"Alessia, I heard what you said this morning." I smiled as she hid her face in her hands.

"What exactly did you hear?" she questioned.

"When I asked what you think would look good on me, you said 'me'. I think it was quite cute to be honest." I smiled once again as I saw her reaction. Her mouth was wide open.

Alessia held my hand as she spoke, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I didn't mean to say it, it just happened, it just came out, I am so sorry."

"Alessia babe don't worry, I never said I didn't like it". As I said this, me and Alessia moved closer to each other and hugged. I wanted to take my time with this one, I genuinely do like her.

We both let go of each other as I heard the back door open, we looked at each other with a puzzling look as we saw Katie and Amelia run to the back of the house.

"Oh no" I stated.

"Oh no indeed" Alessia agreed and laughed.

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