Country GIrl

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(Kiara's POV)

Later that night at the dinner table, my dad kept rambling on about his job and the new cases he was working the entire time which bored me half to death. This visit wasn't going at all like I thought it would but at least I had met some new people in town who seemed really cool. I couldn't seem to shake Matt off my mind, his gorgeous eyes and cute dimpled face. It's not like it mattered though, I more than likely wasn't going to see him ever again anyways. "So Kiara, I was thinking maybe you and I could get to know each other better. How about the two of us go shopping tomorrow?" I briefly looked up from my plate of pasta to see that Danielle was actually talking to me. "Um, sure...I guess so." My dad instantly shoots me a look of upset which causes me to sigh deeply and change my response. "I mean yeah that sounds great." She smiles uneasily at me before returning back to her own plate. My appetite is completely lost at that point so I figure now is as good a time as ever to go to my room. "I'm tired after all the excitement from today, I'm gonna get to bed. Goodnight Dad, Danielle." They both just nod as I get up from my seat with my dirty dishes in tow and head off where I can still hear them talking, obviously about me. "I just don't think things are going to improve between us, she doesn't seem to like me at all." "Don't say that darling, it'll just take her some time to adjust, it's only been a few hours." "Maybe you're right, I just want her to be able to get on better terms with me by the wedding day." "I promise Dani, she'll come around." Oh you can count on that, Dad.

I decided to text my mom while I laid in my bed about the whole scenario I encountered today and she was just as shocked as I was to say the least. She even insisted that I go back home and not participate in the wedding at all but I assured her it was all going to be fine and that I would keep her in the loop. I could only imagine how tomorrow was going to play out too, seeing as it was supposed to be a way for me and 'Danielle' to bond. My mind kept wandering off back to the coffee shop though which helped bring a smile to my face. Suddenly digging through my pockets, I remembered about the tiny folded piece of paper that Matt had given me. Sure enough ten numbers were scribbled on it with a smiley face next to his name. There was no way I was going to text him now or probably not at all. It was better to keep my distance, especially from gorgeous guys like him. I wasn't here to find love, I was here strictly to have fun. "Goodnight, Kia. See you in the morning." I hear my dad say from the other end of my door. I don't say anything back, pretending to be asleep already. I felt slightly bad but shook it off before I change down into some pajamas and actually get ready to go to sleep. "Goodnight world, lets see what the future holds in the morning."

A swift and hard knock at the door jolts me awake what feels like only a few hours later. I open it slowly revealing Danielle with a chipper look on her face and an iced coffee in her hand. "Morning Kiara, this is for you. Iced mocha with almond milk, your dad said it was your favorite. Once you're ready to go we'll be off to the mall." I take it from her slowly, still trying to really focus on what was even going on at the moment. "Uh thanks. I'll be down in a bit." She smiles as I shut it gently, glancing at the clock on the nightstand to notice that it was already ten. Usually I'm already awake by the crack of dawn feeding the chickens and tending to the horses but the couple hour time change was really seeming to have an effect on me. I managed to somehow pull myself together with the help of the much needed caffeine to get ready in my perfect
for the day ahead. When I finally made it downstairs Danielle was already waiting for me by the front door with her keys in hand. "Oh perfect you're ready. Let's get a move on." I don't reply and just follow her out to the driveway, getting inside her sparkling white Range Rover. The drive to the mall was painfully awkward as she tried her hardest to make conversation with me. "So I heard you live on a ranch back home, that must be fun huh?" I shrug, pretending to be focused on my cellphone. "Maybe, if you like getting covered in mud and cow manure." She doesn't respond and instead tries a different angle. "Did you enjoy seeing the beach yesterday?" Again I just shrug as an answer. "Yep. Saw some interesting things, met a couple of people." A clearly frustrated sigh escapes her lips at my bluntness which only makes me smirk.

When we finally pull up to the large shopping center I quickly hop out and start on my trek inside, praying that she was finished with the whole idea of us 'getting closer'. "Uh how about we make a stop inside the bridal store real quick before you take off on your own? I want to show you the dress you'll be wearing and see if we got the right size." I put on my best fake smile and agree, following her to the store deep inside. She hugs the woman who greets us as we step inside. "Oh Dani this must be your stepdaughter you were talking about." My eyes avert to hers in sudden disgust. What the hell did she just call me? "Sherri this is Kiara, we're here to try on her dress." I can sense the uncomfortableness in her voice which makes me relax my stare some. "Sure, lets get that out for you, come on to the back girls." We walk towards the fitting room areas where 'Sherri' hands me the awful cream colored gown that I was meant to wear to the wedding. It was ugly, bulky, and made me want to puke. But I still tried it on anyway to appease Danielle whether I hated it or not. "Oh you look beautiful Kiara, absolutely beautiful. The color really brings out your eyes." Another forced smile finds its way to my face as I model in front of the many mirrors. "Um thanks. Can I take it off now?" She nods, focusing her attention back on Sherri while I beeline back to change into my own clothes.

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