A New World, An Old Memory

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___ opened his eyes, the feeling of peace quickly fading out of reality. Around his head he felt the unfamiliar touch of untamed  wilderness. The wind faintly blew through his hair. He got up from the ground, and surveyed his surroundings. In front of him laid an evergoing expanse of water. ___ quickly took notice of the forest, which couldn't be more than a hundred feet away. After stretching out, he made his way towards the forest. Between ___ and the forest layed a small river. ___ let out a quiet, confused grunt, before slowly dipping a foot into the shallow shore. He froze for a moment, mesmerized by his reflection looking back at him. Suddenly, he slipped underneath the water. ___, who had not taken a breath before diving under, quickly began splashing in the short river. Despite being able to easily touch the bottom of the riverbed, his unfamiliarity of water spooked him. He quickly made his way to the other side of the river. Stepping out from the water, ___ continued his exploration into the woods. After a short while, he suddently stopped in his tracks, staring forward in front of him. ___ braced himself, and put out his fists, preparing to fight with what was in front of him. The blank eyes of a sheep met his. The sheep, not phased with this encounter, went back to eating the grass. ___ slowly put his arms back down by his sides, not averting his eyes from the sheep. Turning away from the sheep, he quickly ran the other direction, further and further into the woods. He didn't look back, and continued forward until stopping at the edge of the woods. The only noise he heard was of the wind blowing through the leaves of the trees. Suddently, a new noise flew by his ear.
Quickly turning his head, he met the eyes of the source of this noise. The bee flew curiously over to him. Thinking back to the encounter with the sheep, he wondered if this being was also friendly. ___ anxiously put his hand out to the bee, hoping it would reciprocate this friendliness. Suddently, the bee plunged its stinger directly into the Piglins palm. Letting out a squeal of pain, ___ threw his other hand into the bee. The bee fell to the floor, before exploding into a cloud of smoke. ___ stared at where the bee had been mere moments ago, anger rising in his chest. He rose his fists and began punching the ground. Over and over again he threw his fists into the dirt. All of a sudden, the ground he was punching dissapeared, much to the confusion of the piglin who's fist was still flying towards where this area of dirt used to stand with full force. His hand fell into the newly created hole, catching ___ off guard. He quickly stood back up, shacking off the dirt. That's when he realized there was something in his hand. He held this thing out in front of him. In his hand stood a miniature version of the dirt he had been punching. ___ turned his head curiously, before setting it back into the hole. The hole suddently filled up with dirt again, removing any evidence that anything had ever happened.

He continued on his way, making his way through the plains. Upon making it to the top of the hill, he gazed out into the distance. His pupils narrowed, taking notice of something in the distance. ___ approached the mysterious shape. Something about this felt ominously familiar. He opened the chest laying at the base of the frame, and pulled out a piece of obsidian. Although not knowing what stood in front of him, he felt an overwhelming wave of familiarity rush over him. He knew what this was. He placed the block of obsidian into a missing segment of the frame. He took a step back, looking at the frame of the ruined portal.

Two missing pieces.

He thought back to the last moment he remembered.

A ball of fire quickly flew at ___. He couldn't move out of the way before it smashed directly into his head. He squealed out in pain, falling back into the ground below him. The ghast who had shot this fireball opened his mouth, preparing to fire again. ___ quickly got up from the ground, and, clutching the wound in his head ran from the area. The blinding pain he was feeling quickly overtook him. He fell to the ground, still holding onto the gaping wound in his head. All of a sudden, a portal existed in front of him. Out from the portal stepped something he had never seen before. This creature was covered from head to toe in a shining blue set of armor. This being was facing the other direction, and, not seeing ___, made his way into the warped forest in front of them. ___ let go of his head, and, slowly made his way to the portal. He reached out his hand, trying to grab the purple abyss in the frame. His eyes went dark, the crackles of the flames around him faded away, and his body screamed in pain.

He gasped, instinctively putting his hand to where he had remembered his injury being. The scarred skin didn't match the rest of his fur, in fact there was none. His hand met a large patch of exposed skin. He put his hand back down.

He didn't know what this was, he didn't know what happened, and he didn't know what that creature was. But he knew one thing.
He had to get back to the nether.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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