PT 4. the celestial dragons

Beginne am Anfang

"law number 4, enslavement" i gave him a sweet smile

"uh oh~ thats alot of broken laws, dont you think?" i questioned him sweetly

"i-i'm sorry! i- i wont hurt anyone ever again! i-i s-s-swear!! please i swear!!" he pleaded

i put one of my hands on my chin in thought "hmm, were you going to have mercy on that woman, or myself?" i asked with a sweet smile again

"y-yes! of course!" he stuttered

"to bad. i dont believe you" i sighed "so as the only god in this realm currently, i will have to hold your trial myself, such a pain" i said with a yawn

i turn to the woman that was next to him "you, who is this man to you?" i asked her, not even minding my rude tone

"H-he is my useless husband! i-i dont care for him your majesty!" she said as she bowed down

"ah, ok i see" i look to the slaves, that only stared in utter shock

i turned back to her "free them now" i demanded

she got up, stumbling around, she reached into her pockets, almost dropping the keys to their colars

each one of them was freed, they each thanked me, i nodded

i look back down to the man i still have against my sharp nails

"i have thought about what your punishment shall be" i told him

his eyes held hope, and fear "you are to be executed" i smirked at him

his eyes widdened, he started crying, he looked to his supposed wife for help, she looked away

i stood back up, staring down at him with cold eyes "you will die for what you have done, if you accept your fate, it will be less painful, but if you choose to fight back agianst this, you will die slowly, and painfully" i told him, my face blank

i looked at the woman again "you will also be punished, but you wont die" i told her

she visably relaxed

i lift my hand over him "any last words?" i asked

"thats a very high ranked noble little lady, i believe you are breaking several laws" a man in a yellow striped suit said

he held in his hands a golden snail, with a bright red button on top, he looked ready to press the button

"you dare interupt a celestial trial?" i asked with a blank stare

he flinched "a celestal trail?" he asked

"yes, you better watch your words" venom lacing my voice

"oh my! it seems i may have interupted something, i'll just go now" he put the snail down, backing away with his hands in the air, sweat dripping down the side of his face

"you have, now i suggest you stay where you are, or you may get yourself a trail" i told him

i lefted my other hand, pointing it at the man in yellow, sea stone chains shot out of the ground, pulling him to the ground

he tried to stay calm "if you speak out of turn you will be punished" i said sternly

i sigh "alright now lets continue shall we" the man on the ground paled, tears pricking the corners of his eyes

"any last words?" i asked again

"i-" his body turned to ash

"to late" i shrugged my shoulders "now, for your trail" i looked to the woman who was crying

"you will spend 4 years in a lonely cell, no company, no place in sight, just you and your daily meal of a loaf of bread and water" i said, lifting my hand to her

she begged and pleaded i show her some mercy

a portal appeared behind her, i kicked her in "i hope you enjoy the life of a slave" i told her

i turn to walk away the portal closing behind me

i gave the people treated as slaves a smile "i'm sorry you had to go through what they did to you" i told them

they each thanked me, i offered to let them stay in a village i created far from here, where many people already live

its safe, and they would always be able to leave if they wanted to

most accepted, so i made a portal for them, when that was finished, i turned to the man in chains

"who are you? and why would you dare to interupt a trial?" i asked as i crouched down to be at eye level with him

"kizaru your majesty, and i'm very sorry your majesty, i was unaware that there was any gods still alive in this world, i assumed you were a pirate causing trouble with high ranked nobles" he said honestly

i removed the chains "i see, i will not punish you, i have been absent for 100 hundred years, its understandable" i sighed again "but dont let me ever see you try and stop me again" i told him as i stood up

"yes of course your majesty" he bowed down

i yawned "please tell this crowd of people the truth of what just happened, i'm gonna go take a nap" i told him

"of course, right away" he stood up walking over to the crowd of people to explain


in an alley not to far away a man stood shocked, not only to see an execution of a celestial dragon, but also an obidient marine admiral

"wow captain she seems strong, she would be an awesome crew mate!" a certain polar bear said also shocked

"yeah she would" he smirked "lets go" he said, motioning for him to follow


a pink haired girl stood still, her mouth wid open in shock, her pizza slipping out of her hand

"oh my god" she mumbled as she watched from inside a restraunt "that was amazing" she said as she took a bite from her food

"lets go!" she told a few of her crew

two men stood speechless, as they just watched what happened

"hahaha! did you see that?! she just killed a celestial dragon like its no big deal!" one of them laughed

the other looked to his captain "should we go after her?" he asked his captain

"of course! we need a woman like her!" he said

they set off after the woman

each group took off after her, she walked calmly not knowing many groups of people were after her

My own dreamscape (one piece x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt