It was an affront to every God and decency itself how his grandsons were disinherited for the sole crime of not being the king's favorites.

Viserys had good Queen Aemma killed for a male babe yet couldn't be bothered with the three Alicent bore him.

How the seven have punished him. He thought he orchestrated the best marriage for his dauther. No second son could ever dream of wedding his blood to the throne.

Viserys was sickly besides and an affable man with little spine. His only daughter would stay by his side and have power, prestige and won't suffer a stranger who speaks with his fists above all.

The king's abuse takes a different form. Far more sinister and damaging. By keeping quiet of the Velaryon boys' true parentage and not changing the succession, he's doomed Alicent's children to die pointlessly.

Otto has no desire to let that happen.


Otto and his daughter sat in his solar the Tower of the Hand. He's received a few missives he'd like to discuss.

"The Velaryons have answered our message. They've not revealed their allegiance. I wouldn't expect them to over a raven. But they're willing to negotiate." He hands Alicent the scroll to check for herself.

"That's good news. It's within their best interest to support us. If Lord Coryls doesn't think so, perhaps his younger brother Ser Vaemond will be more amenable to our plans."

He probably would be. It's the fate of a second son to vie always for more. Otto's lucky enough to be who he is now without anyone's help.

"Indeed. I've already gathered quite a few of House Velaryon aren't happy with three bastards masquerading as their kin being their overlords. We're both benefitting from this arrangement and helping the Sea Snake save his own reputation from plundering to the ground."

He understands Corlys better than most. They're made from the same cloth. Both of them desired a direct link to the crown and used their daughters to do do. The only difference is Otto successed where the Driftmark lord failed.

What a hollow victory that turned out to be.

"What of the houses of the Reach? Did House Tyrell and Tarly answer our summons?"

His birthplace, the largest and richest kingdom, was always a den of rival factions. Blood feuds were as old a time and strong to this day. The Tyrell paramouncy was seen as the highest of insults to old powers like his own House, the Florents and others.

That is why it was necessary they tie the other Houses to their cause by marriage and royal favor. If not, the Reach might simply cannibalize itself on the eve of Viserys death.

The hand of his great-nephew Lyonal was already promised to Lady Celia Tully of Riverrun. But to secure House Tarly of Horhill, Lyonal's younger brother Garmund was offered to Lord Alan Tarly's daughter and heir Lady Sam, with a hefty bride price.

The Lord of Highgarden, Leo Tyrell was still a babe in the cradle, so Otto intends to suggest to the Lady Regent Alyssa Tyrell née Fossoway to make her younger brother Loras a knight of the Kinsguard and grant a five year long tax exemption on certain goods.

It wasn't economically advisable with the amount of food production at Highgarden but it's very likely anything less than a royal marriage wouldn't catch their interest.

A half Hightower king is something that frightens the delicate balance of power in the kingdom so they can fight for the Black cause or just declare neutrality altogether.

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