Start from the beginning

Now all these events have struck one Shadowhunter in particular, the second eldest Lightwood child but the eldest son, Alexander Gideon Lightwood.

Speaking of the second eldest Lightwood, Alec now sat laid back on his bed just staring at the ceiling of his room.

It was the aftermath of Isabelle's trail and after finding out that his sister was safe and wouldn't be deruned, he had went straight to his room after thanking Magnus and Elizabeth for their help.

Alec was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the knock on his bedroom door or the door open until a voice called out to him.

"Alec." Zara called out softly to the Lightwood male.

Alec snapped out of his thoughts before gently sitting upright in his bed and turning to face the youngest Fairchild.

"Hey Z, what's up?" Alec asked.

Now you see although Clary and Alec have been at each other's necks since that night she woke up in the infirmary he has actually created quite a strong bond with the youngest Fairchild and he doesn't know if it was his big brother instincts kicking in or if it's because he can see a bit of himself in Zara in the sense that he knows what it's like to be forgotten and unappreciated in your own family.

"Can I come in?" The red haired asked softly and she entered the room, closing the door behind her once Alec gave his nod of approval.

She smiled softly as Alec patted the spot next him, allowing her to sit next to him on his bed.

"Are you okay?" Zara finally asked the question she had wanted to ask Alec for quite sometime now.

Alec let out a long sigh.

"I don't even know anymore Ara." Alec answered the younger Fairchild truthfully.

Zara let out a sigh herself and although she was hesitant to do what she was about to do, she promised Asakhe that she would watch over Alec.

So before she could chicken out, the red haired quickly wrapped the Raven haired male into a much needed hug.

Alec gratefully returned the hug and rested his head on top of Zara's, Alec knows although it's him being comforted at that moment that Zara needed the hug just as much as he did.

The two pulled away after a long few moments.

"Thank you." Alec thanked the red haired girl who had quickly become like a younger sister to him.

"Of course and if it makes you feel any better, Asa's right, you truly are a lovable teddy bear who gives great hugs." Zara nodded and she felt herself smile proudly when she managed to get Alec to chuckle softly.

"Do you wanna talk about it? It might help." Zara gently assured.

"I just don't know where I went wrong." Alec told the red haired girl, finally beginning to talk about everything that he was bottling up inside.

"I mean is that wrong for me to want to protect my family?" Alec questioned.

"Like come on, my whole life I have spent it dedicated to my family, following the clave rules, taking over as head whilst my parents and elder sister aren't around only for it to all go to waste!" Alec ranted.

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