Living hell

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„Hayley are you awake", I hear my brother asking quietly if I'm already awake.

„I am harry, come in"

Harry slowly opens the door and enters my room as sit up and stay in my bed.

„Did you sleep well?", he asked.

„Mhm, I did, what about you?", I told him but only if he knew I couldn't sleep that night. Or the night before. For weeks I have been waiting for this day and it finally came. I will go to Hogwarts with Harry. As children, we were split up to go to different schools by the Dudleys. I got a letter from Beauxbotons and Harry got one from Hogwarts and after that we went different and splittet ways. The only place I saw my brother again was when we were „home". I shouldn't call this place of hell home but well, it kind of is. For me home means harry. Harry is my home. After our parents died, the only thing we had left were each other. We supported us and helped us in every way. Dudley fighting with Harry? He fights with me. Petunia screaming at me? Harry screams at her. We were all we needed and in some kind of way, we made this place of a living hell for each other a home.

„I did too. Sooo it's your first day at Hogwarts. The day we've been waiting for.." I hear him say.

„Yeah. Can you believe it? When we were little we always hoped one day we would go to Hogwarts together and now the day has come. I can't believe it." I exclaim.

„It's true, you're coming with me today. You don't know how happy I am that you're no longer alone. That we're no longer apart. I'm so excited to show you Hogwarts and my favourite places."

"I'm just as excited as you are Harry believe me."

Silence is in the room. We smile slightly at each other realising we're no longer alone. Harry hugs me as he whispers "everything will be fine". He kisses me on the forehead and tells me to get ready as he leaves my room.

I walk to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. I proceed to do my skincare in the bathroom and then walk to my vanity, where I begin to get myself ready. 1 hour passed and I was finished. I already packed my suitcase one day before and had everything ready. I was ready. I leave my things in my room and go down to get some breakfast. When I open the door, Dudley stood before me and tells me to go down now if I want anything for breakfast. I hoped Harry was already in the kitchen eating something because I know how hungry he always is in the morning. This is mostly caused because of him not eating well the day before at dinner. He always gives me his food even if I don't want to. He makes me eat it to know that I don't starve. He knew about my eating habits and my eating disorder. He always made sure I ate enough because he didn't want me to go through the same thing again. That is the reason I mostly skip breakfast and tell them I have morning sickness.

I went down the stairs and see my aunt and her husband sitting there and staring from across the room. I feel their eyes on my body, judging every movement I do and every breath I take. Then I see Harry, my beautiful brother just smiling at me from across the room.

"Join me Hayley, you are probably starving."

I look at the plate seeing not much left and decide not to eat anything.

"No thank you harry, I'm so nervous I can't eat anything right now. But you enjoy your meal" I said. If you could even call that a meal. Dudleys leftovers. I never understood why Petunia hated us so much. Every day we lived with the feeling that we don't belong here or anywhere. That we were disgusting as she said. They hated us. Despised us. The Dursleys were the only family we had left according to the state. But that's not true. Blood doesn't make you a family. Loyalty, love and all of the above make you one. Harry was my family.

Harry told me that we were leaving in 10 minutes, therefore I went upstairs and checked if I had everything I needed.

I had everything I needed so I took my bags and went downstairs. Harry had already brought his luggage down to the entrance so he waited for me. He opened the door and didn't look back. I followed him doing the same even though I heard Petunia say something. It couldn't be important and even if it would be we wouldn't care. Nothing mattered. We're leaving this place called a living hell.

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