Part 2

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The Brooklyn Sisters   - 

by sloanranger 

Part 2

"Get her a snort, Al." Dotty said. "Want a snort, Ange?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea," he said, pulling a bottle out from under the sink. His own nerves were shot and his hand shook as he poured the liquor.

He splashed the glass towards his sister-in-law, spilling it on his hand and the kitchen table. "Have a little drink, Ange. You got hysterics, booze is good for hysterics."

Angela stopped screaming then and looked up at him like saucers were flying out of his ears.

"Really," Angie, he tells her, "it might help."

"He's right," Dotty confirmed.

Angie looked from Al to her sister, and back again to her brother-in-law. She screwed up her face and let out another yowl.

Al swallowed the drink instead and poured another one, offering it to Dot. Dotty took her gum out of her mouth and stuck it in Al's face with a: 'What, dummy - I'm–chewing–gum-here,' expression, then put the gum back in her mouth.

Al took that for a 'no,' and swallowed Dot's drink, too. 

"You're gonna make yourself sick if you keep this up," Al said to his sister-in-law.

Dot backed him up."Right, again, Ange."

Angie looked up at him, her eyes still glaring. Al slid another drink toward her. She didn't push it back and he thinks they're making progress.

Until he hears the sirens.

(To be continued).

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